Chapter 7

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“Who would see me? Is she pretty?” Harsh said. “When did you come in? You sure are as sneaky as a fox.” Tanya said. “But who were you talking about?” he asked again. “No one, leave it. Did you get the chicken?” “Yes ma’am. Could you please make me butter chicken?” Harsh said. “Just great. You know that I’ve just recovered from fever right. And instead of offering to help me you’re increasing the work.” Harsh shot her the forlorn puppy dog eyes. “Fine, as long as you make the rotis.” Tanya replied. “Okay.” Harsh said, a frown on his face.

That day Harsh had reached uni unusually early and he was just fidgeting with his pen thinking about how to get Shreyansh to talk about Shreya. It’s obvious that Shreyansh knew something but he is intentionally hiding it. He came up with a plan of action. He had decided to bring up the bracelet indirectly somehow because that is a solid proof of his link with Shreya apart from the felicitation award. That’s when he got the idea. The bracelet. It was handmade, from an online small business with minimal sales and it had closed down shortly after. He knew about the closing down of the shop as he had also wanted to buy Tanya a gift from there but was informed that they couldn’t as they were closing down and clearance was over. Harsh could simply ask where he got that from and if he lies, it would prove that he is guilty. His thoughts were interrupted as Shreyansh, who was now seated beside him, snatched the pen out of his hands saying, “Bro, what are you busy thinking? I asked how does my drip look twice already.” Harsh babbled, “You look sick bro. Is that even a question?” without even taking a proper look. “You did not even look. What’s wrong with you?” Shreyansh asked. “Nothing really. It’s just that Tanya was sick and I left her alone. She is used to being taken care of all her life being the younger one, so I’m a little worried about her.” Harsh said. “Aww. Don’t worry she’s a grown up now. It’s fine as long as you got her medicines and food. You did right?” Shreyansh shot a questioning look as he said that.

“Ofcourse I did. I’m a pretty good brother okay.” “Okay, but I think we need Tanya’s opinion about that.” Shreyansh giggles. Mrs. Shalini then entered and the class fell dead silent. Harsh had wanted to bring up the bracelet but Shreyansh seemed so focused in the class as he was busy making notes of every line the professor said. So, he decided to talk during lunch.

When the class ended, Harsh asked, “Where should we eat? And where’s Vamika? Her class must be over by now. Lemme call her first.” “Yeah, you do that, I’ll be back from the washroom real quick.” said Shreyansh.
Shreyansh came back about five to ten minutes later. “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for over an hour it seems. Vamika must’ve reached Rizzbees by now.” said Harsh. “I just met an old friend on the way and chatted for a bit. Vamika must be waiting. Let’s go.” Shreyansh replied.

Later at Rizzbees, “Why are we here though? Weren’t we broke the other day so we ate at the cafeteria?” Shreyansh asked confused. “It’s Vinita Aunty’s birthday today and she has asked Vamika to treat us on her behalf as she’s not back from Thailand yet.” said Harsh. “Oh shit. I haven’t wished her yet. Let me call her first. Order my usual for me till then” Said Shreyansh. Harsh said, “ Since it’s your treat, I won’t hold back. I want fried rice, chicken Manchurian and a plate of stir fried chicken momos. One coke too.” “Go place your order yourself, I’m not your server.” shouted Vamika. Both Harsh and Shreyansh were equally shocked at Vamika’s outburst. Shreyansh ended the call with Vamika’s mom and asked Vamika, “What’s wrong? You okay?” “No, I’m not okay. I’m on my periods and I feel like someone’s stabbing me with a knife right now. I couldn’t miss today’s practicals and stay home.” replied Vamika almost in tears. Shreyansh tried to make her feel better by making some lame dad jokes and Harsh got up to place their order. Harsh came back with a small hot water bag. Vamika asked, “Where did you get that from?” “I had it in my bag that I had bought for Tanya. I just asked for some hot water to the waiter to fill it. Now stop asking unnecessary questions and use it before it loses its warmth.” Harsh said. Shreyansh got up and went up to the counter to make some changes to his order. When the food came, Vamika asked where her diet coke was when Shreyansh said, “I removed that from our order. You should have something warm to ease the cramps.” “I didn’t expect you guys to be so adorable. How come I never saw this caring side of you both before?” Vamika said smiling. “What do you mean? Did you forget when we took turns to take care of you last summer, you had dengue and your mom was out on a business trip?” Harsh said, annoyed. “Ahh, yes, that too but it was also months ago.” Vamika said.
They were eating when Harsh remembered about the bracelet and asked, “By the way, Shreyansh where did you buy that bracelet, your lucky one? I was thinking about buying something like that for Tanya for Rakshabandhan.” “That… uh…. That’s really old. I don’t really remember where it was from.” Shreyansh replied. “Didn’t you say it was from your mom. Why don’t you ask her?” Harsh asked. “Yeah, it was probably from some fair. She won’t remember.”
Shreyansh said. “But- ” Harsh was trying to say something when Vamika butt in, “Why bracelet? Tanya never wears them. Give her earrings, I’m sure she will love them. I’ll help you find some nice ones later.” Harsh wanted to argue but decided against it incase it might affect her mood again. The rest of the day was just like any other boring day. After the classes for the day ended, Harsh took a bus back home and Shreyansh said that he would take a cab to attend a family function.

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