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Karina's POV 

"Karina sit down!"

"Mom, I'm having a crisis!"

I had been pacing my bedroom floor not thinking about how Giselle had betrayed me but how I could win my woman back.

Winter and I were meant to be... Even if I had realized it just 6 hours ago. I had to come up with some big plan to win her back because simple wouldn't do.

My Winter was too good for simple.

"Rina!" Ningning burst through my door with a panicked look on her face and didn't hesitate to run to me and search for injuries.

"Are you okay? Oh my God! What happened?"

I grabbed her hands and let out a loud groan. "I'm fine."

"You're not about to be," Ningning growled. Before I could blink, she was bringing her hands down on my body.

"You idiot! I thought you were seriously injured! You told me it was an emergency!"

"It's an emergency!" I exclaimed, shielding myself from her oncoming hands. "It's a love emergency!"

Ningning stopped hitting me to roll her eyes. "You're still on that?"

"Yes! You have to help me win Winter back"

"No, no, no! I am not getting involved in your love triangle. No!"

"Giselle doesn't have to know that you're helping me. Just do it!" I poked up by bottom lips and batted my eyelashes. "Pleaseee?"

"Don't you give me that look. You look ugly." I could see her hand demeanor faltering before she plopped on the bed in defeat.

"Fine. What have you got so far?"

"Nothing! That's the problem!" I groaned in frustration. "Who am I kidding? I can't compete with Giselle! She's pretty, she got a nice personality, everyone dream girlfriend. And she's hot too! It's a fact!"

"Well, what did Winter like about you in the first place?" Ningning asked.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "The real question is, what part of the that she didn't like?" I said sarcastically.

"You two really are made for each other." Ningning muttered as she rolled her eyes, she cross her arms on her chest. "Could you be more specific?"

"She like my eyes, my smile- Oh- my legs and she thinks I look really good in skirts." A light bulb went off in my head. "My physical appearance. She loved that more than anything else!"

"Wow, how romantic" Ningning said sarcastically.

I didn't bother to answer her because my mind was occupied by the thoughts of what outfit should I wear.

Giselle's POV

Ever since the argument that I had with Karina, I felt terribly bad. I hadn't meant any of the awful things that I had said to her. I was strictly acting out of jealousy and for what? Thanks to my stupid inability to control myself that I might've lost one of my best friends. I was hoping to catch her at our lockers in the morning to apologize.

Two hands suddenly covered my eyes. "Guess who?"

"Yunjin?" I turned around to see the grow face on Winter's face. "I was just kidding."

"That wasn't funny."

"It was kind of was," I shrugged. "How do you feel about going to see a movie tonight? I know it's a school night but we shouldn't be too late."

"What movie?" I asked.

"Fifty shades of grey."

"That sounds... fine" Only that Winter wasn't looking at me.

I turned around to take a look to what in earth is she's focusing about and my jaw just about to dropped.

Karina walked down the hallway with her hair done in the most perfect waves and her makeup done in the most perfection. Her who button up shirt was tied at the end and her skirt did make her legs look amazing her wedges certainly did. She had everyone's attention but it was if she didn't even notice as she went to her locker right next to mine.

I turned my attention back to Winter who was now leaning over and scanning Karina. I hit her shoulder, "Hey!"

"Huh?" Winter struggled to turn her focus back to me. "Did you say something?"

It was like she was hypnotized by Karin and then everything just make sense. I glared at my former friend who was ‘unaware’ that Winter was focusing on her.


"Oh, Hi Gi." She greeted as if she hasn't noticed me. Karina bit her lip and looked at my girlfriend, checking her out up and down. "Hi, Winter."

"Hey Rina" Winter smirked. "Nice outfit"

"Thanks" Karina beamed.

"Yeah, as if you look like the slutty schoolgirl look." I snapped.

"Apparently she does." Karina game me a fake smile and closed her locker. "Bye, Winter."

She walked pass us swaying her hips more that necessary. I put the focus of my frustrations on Karina. "Turn your head to look at hear and I'll poke your eyes out."

Winter ton heed of my warning and didn't turn her head even though I could tell she really wanted to. That was enough to sent my anger level through the roof and hurried down the hallway to catch up with that woman stealer.

"Karina!" I grabbed her arm and spun her around. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"You say Winter wants you, I say Winter wants me. So why don't we just let Winter decide who she wants?"

The fact that she want to compete with me for my girlfriend was hilarious. It was obvious that she would pick me but who doesn't love a little challenge?

"Fine. May the best woman win."

"I planned too."

I smiled at myself as she continued on her way. As if Karina were actually a threat to me. Winning this competition would be a piece of cake. I looked back at Winter whose undressing Karina on her thoughts until she realized I had caught her and regained her composure.

At least I hoped it would be easy.

Few more chapters to go xx

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