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To breathe
Is a luxury.
It is all too often
Taken for granted.
Everyone breathes,
That's how we survive.
Why would would we
Be appreciative of it?
I have learned to be indebted to
The trees that breathe.
Learned to thank
The wind that flies by us.
Because when I am unaware,
It attacks.
Sits on my chest,
Compressing my lungs.
I lose the luxury
I once had the right to.
I can't grasp it.
Can't see, smell, or taste it.
In that moment,
There is none.
There is no breeze
To lull me.
There is no atmosphere
To inhale.
There is no breath
To keep me alive.
Acknowledge the air
That fills your lungs.
Bow down to the trees
That work to keep you alive.
Be grateful of your body
Who does not try to destroy you,
Because some of us
Don't have that luxury.

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