🧸 Chapter three

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Lauren's POV

Elena fell asleep 15 minutes into the drive, we live outside of the city so it's quite a drive.

"Do you think we should get something to eat?" Olivia asks looking at me then back at the road.

I look back at Elena, "Yeah, let's wake her up and ask her?

"Elena, honey, wake up" I reach my arm behind the drivers seat and lightly shake Elena's knee.

She turns her head and looks at me, rubbing her eyes. "Hi, baby, do you want something eat."


••• time skip •••

After getting something to eat Olivia and Lauren switch spots, Lauren now driving. When they got to their place, Lauren and Olivia show Elena where she would be sleeping, they also gave her the option to sleep with them. They also showed her where and what all the rooms are in their house.

"Why don't we go unpack in your room then we can watch a movie?" Olivia raise her shoulders looking between Lauren and Elena.

Lauren nods and Elena answers with, "oouu, can we watch cars?" Elena does a little jump with excitement.

"Yes of course," Olivia exclaims.

"Okay, let's go back up stairs," Lauren says, starting to the stairs with the other two behind her. They showed Elena her room first then showed her the rest of the house, so they left her suit case and bag in the room.

After unpacking they all went downstairs to the living room, Elena being the first one there wondering how their remote works. Lauren helps her while Olivia grabs a big blanket for them to all share.

When Olivia gets back, the other two are sitting on the couch, ready to watch the movie. She sits on the other side of Elena so now she's sandwiched in between her and Lauren.

Twenty minutes into the movie Elena is stuck in her head trying to figure out who she wants to lean her head on, she wants to lean on Olivia's shoulder but she doesn't want Lauren to be left out.

She lets out a whine, throws to her head back,

This is really bothering me.

"Elena, honey, you okay?" Mommy turns to me and asks. I let out a whine and kick my leg, I don't understand why this is bothering me so much.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Mama asks this time. They've paused the movie and turned both of their attentions to me.

"I wants to lay ons mommy," I say gesturing towards laur, "but I don' wants mama lef' ou'" Elena lets out a frustrated sigh and furrows her eyebrows, also gesturing towards liv.

"Baby, we neither of us will feel left out," mama says, I look up at her. "But what if you do,"

"I promise baby we will not feel left out if you lay on one of us and not the other, right Laur?"

"Right," I look at mommy, "but since it bothering you so much, how about this, come here" mommy pats her lap, I crawl into her lap. She positions me so I'm sitting side ways, facing mama.

She pats the couch for mama to scoot closer and she does. When mama is scooted closer she pulls my legs into her lap. "Is that better, sweets?"

"Yeth," I say with a nod. They both let out a soft laugh and mama unpauses the movie.


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