🧸Chapter Six

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After we finished eating Lauren got ready. "Come on babes, let's get your shoes on," I bounce Elena on my hip. She giggles, "'gain, 'gain," she chants. On the way to the stairs, I continue to bounce her on my hip, when we reach the stairs I stop bouncing her and make my way upstairs.

We had Elena put her suitcase in the guest room, we assumed she would be scared to be little around us so we thought having her put her stuff in there would give her own space, like if she felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as us but she didn't have a problem at all.

I'm happy that she's comfortable around in person but I didn't think she was going to be this comfortable with us in person, of course we were comfortable with each other online. I thought she would be shy at first like she was when we first met her online.

I squeeze her closer to me and kiss the side of her head. "Mama, I has my pink shoes, I wear does?"

"Of course, baby."

I walk into the guest room and set her on the bed. Her suitcase is already open so I pull out her pink Converse and put them on her.

"Okay, baby, all done. Thank you for sitting still." I give her kisses all over her face and tickle the side of her stomach, she lets out an excited scream and laughs. I smile as she pulls back, "Mama, s'op, it tickles."

I stop tickling her and she's lying on her back, "Mama didn't know you were so ticklish," I tickle her side again, she's smiling up at me and she's the most adorable little baby. Her cheeks are rosy from laughing and her hair is messy, "uh oh I have to fix your hair,"

Right after I say that Lauren walks in, "Mommy!" Elle exclaims and jumps up on the bed and goes to her mommy. "Hi sweets, was Mama tickling you?"

"Yeth, she wuin my hairs," she says as I walk around the bed to them. "Oh well, we better go fix it so we can go get your stuffy,"

We walk out of the guest room and to the bathroom. Laur sets Elena on the sink counter so Elena is facing the mirror. Laur quickly fixes her hair. Once she's done we head downstairs and get the small bag of things Elena might need while we are out.


We asked Elena where she wanted to find her peeps a new friend, she said Target. I park the car and we head inside the store. In the car, we explained to Elena to stay beside us and not to wonder without telling us where she was going.

All three with us hold hands, Elena in between Lauren and I, while we enter the store. "Baby, wanna go grab a basket?" Lauren gestured to the stack of baskets with her free hand. Elena skips to the baskets, grabs one then comes back to us. We go to the toy section and find the stuffed animal aisle. "Okay baby, what stuffy would you like to get,"

She looks at all of them, chooses three to choose from, and she has them set up on a wrack. They're all adorable choices, a bunny, a monkey, and an elephant. Lauren and I wait patiently for Elena to choose her stuffy.

"Do you think we should get a couple of snacks for her, and maybe a Lego set or a small set of toys for her to play with? I know we have toys but I want her to have something that's hers that she has at our place other than toys we have." Lauren asks.

"Yes, we should get her a couple of snacks and I agree, maybe let her pick out a Lego set we can help her with so we have something to do all together, other than watching a movie." We let out a small laugh at the same, she steps closer to me and she gently takes my hand in hers. She snuggles into my side and kisses my cheek.

"Which one are you choosing babes?" I ask Elena. She grabs one then turns around, "This one," she has a beautiful big smile on her face as she holds up the bunny to show us. Lauren lifts her head from my shoulder, "amazing choice sweets,"

Elena gently puts the bunny in the basket she's holding. We walk out the aisle and Lauren grabs Elena's hand. We walk in the next aisle over, where the legos are. "You want to pick out a Lego set too or would you like to pick something else out, mama and I want you to get a toy or legos so you have something at our house to play with of your choosing."

Elena picks out a Lego set then we go to the food/snack section and let Elena also pick out a couple of snacks. We head to the front and pay for everything. Lauren and I are carrying a bag with our free hands, Elena in between us as we hold hands and cross the crosswalk.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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