Season 1 Chapter 2

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After Touya learned about magic, he can do all attribute, Y/N as well. Then, Touya made ice cream as well and everyone enjoy it. Then Y/N mastered reading and writing too. The next day, when Y/N woke up touya told him that they're going to the capital. 

Y/N : You have that "Gate" magic right? 

Touya : Yes 

Y/N : Then, when you reach the capital can you open it so i can go there as well. 

Touya : Why? 

Y/N : I gonna do some jobs in those 5 days while you travelling so we can have money too and have a higher request's as well 

Touya : I see, well i gonna tell linze and elze. See you there Y/N! 


Then, both of them go separate ways, Touya, linze and elze go to the capital while Y/N go do a lot of request. In a day Y/N can do 10 different request since he don't get tired easily so in 5 days he didn't sleep and he reach the rank Red which is the 3rd rank in the guild. 

Touya : *telepathy* (Y/N! Can you hear me?) 

Y/N : *telepathy* (What's wrong?) 

Touya : *telepathy* (I can't explain, where are you now!) 

Y/N : *telepathy* (I'm inside my room, just finished a job)

Touya : *telepathy* (Alright! I gonna open a gate there and help us) 

Y/N go inside the gate and teleport to a forest. He saw the group, a carriage and another three girls get surrounded by lizard men. 

Y/N : Susanoo!

Y/N summon his half body susanoo and protect the group. 

Linze : What is this! 

Elze : I don't know! 

Y/N : Touya protect everyone! 

Touya : Roger! 

Y/N focus and kill all the enemy except the summoner. He put the summoner to a genjutsu (Illusion) to make him unconscious. 

Y/N : Is everyone alright-

??? *crying* Anyone! Is anyone there! Reim... Reim is!! Somebody save rein! An Arrow... An Arrow's hit his chest...! 

Touya : Linze! Healing Magic! 

Linze : I-I can't The arrow broke off and is still inside his body. In this state even if i used healing magic, the foreign object would still inside his body, also an injury like this... with my magic. 

Reim : lady... this is... farewell

??? : Reim... Reim...! 

Y/N : *telepathy* ( Pull out that arrow from his body )

Touya : Right! *use magic called aports* 

Elze : I see! He was able to draw the arrowhead out of his body! 

Touya : *use cure heal* 

Y/N : (That's should be enough) I'm going home touya

Touya : The capital already near so let's go together

Y/N : I see

Reim : ...Huh? The pain is fading? It's healed... It's healed. It's doesn't Hurt. 

??? : Reim! 


Reim : You're truly saved us. How could we ever thank you. But first, introduction. I am reim, a butler in service to duke ortlinde. This person here, the duke's daughter, suushie ernea ortlinde 

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