Season 3 Chapter 3

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Later that day...

Everyone come to the forest after the match to watch a sparing match between Y/N and his new big sister. 

On one side stood Y/N L/N Facing him was Moroha. Their clash sent shockwaves rippling through the cosmos, stars quivering in the wake of their power. Y/N roared, his movements fueled by raw aggression, each strike aimed to shatter the very foundations of creation. But Moroha moved with a fluid grace, her movements a dance of elegance and precision, effortlessly parrying each blow with a serenity that belied her strength.

Both swords clashed against each other in a symphony of sparks, each clash echoing through the void. Y/N unleashed blasts of cosmic energy, seeking to overwhelm his opponent with sheer force, but Moroha counter his attacks with ease.

As the battle raged on, the balance of power shifted like the tides of the universe itself. Y/N pressed forward with unyielding ferocity, his every strike a testament to his godly might. Yet, Moroha remained steadfast, her resolve unbroken as she danced around his onslaught with effortless grace.

In a final, climactic clash, their blades met with a force that shook the very foundations of existence. Sparks flew as the swords locked in a deadlock, their wielders locked in a battle of wills that spanned eons. But in the end, it was Moroha who emerged victorious

With a resounding boom that echoed through the cosmos, Y/N fell to his knee, breathing heavily. His fiancees come over him 

Y/N : Haha... Hahahahahaha, this is the best 

Moroha : Phew, you were much better than i though. I actually had to become serious. You will reach my level soon if you keep practicing diligently 

Shinobu : A-Amazing

Kanae : I almost couldn't see their swordplay degozaru 

Hildegard : M-Me neither... T-They're both so strong 

Moroha : Oh? "Almost couldn't" Means you did see "A Little" Right? *come towards them* The three of you are quite promising then. I'm planning on crashing at Y/N-Kun's place for a while so i guess i can teach you then

Kanae : You mean it!? Moroha-oneesama! 

Shinobu : I'm truly grateful! 

Hildegard : *nod* *nod* 

Touya then saw the dragonoid girl from earlier and the man that used spear. Their name is sonya parallem and Rengetsu, seems like sonya can see through illusion and saw Touya wear a girl clothes. 


The pruning, Third Day

Elze, Yae and Hildegard won the match easily, but Lucia lost to Rengetsu. When Lucia about to fall to the ground, Y/N jumped and catch her. 

Lucia : S-Sorry 

Y/N : It's alright, let me help you to our room 

Y/N bring her to his room and let her rest, while he is doing that Elze  won her match against Sonya Parallem. Match after match everyone is the final match now, Yae is fighting against the rivet clan where they used poison in their matches. Touya give her an antidote that flora made and in the end. The winner of this "Pruning" is the Rauri clan!


But that's not over yet... The forest become golems 

Y/N : This presence... TOUYA!

Touya : Yes, I know! You may do it

Y/N : Igneel! *smirk* Let's go! 

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