Season 1 Last Chapter

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After the rituals and touya open the gate to eachen. 

Yae : There's no mistake degozaru. This is my homeland eashen degozary, we are in the forest of shrine near hashiba, my hometown. 

Y/N : (Feels like home) 


In the city

Touya : Does eashen have a king? 

Yae : We have sort of a leader degozaru, in fact, each regions are ruled by a lord degozaru. There are 9 lords, who are shimazu, mori, chosokabe, hashiba, oda, takeda, tokugawa, uesugi and date... oedo itself is ruled by tokugawa ieyasu-dono-degozaru

Touya : (Those names sound so familiar) Is eashen going through the sengoku period? 

Yae : There's not been a big war since the last decade-degozaru 

Y/N : *telepathy* I know it's almost the same with our home but control yourself 


When we reach yae's home, yae met her mother. She told yae that his father is on battle fiend. They're fighting the takeda, then everyone go to the battle field. They're going to the place where everyone is there. Yae met with her brother and Touya taking care their injury, when touya want to defeat the enemy... 

Touya : Um, where is Y/N? 

In the battle field we see him on top of igneel killing everything making everyone sweat drop. When he's done. 

Y/N : Finally i do some action 


Tokugawa Ieyasu : Firstly, i would like to give you my deepest dratitude for your aid 

Yumina : Please, we just happened to come around at the right time so no need to thank us

Kokonoe Junei : To think that yae become yumina hime's escort... It's a real surprise, good god 

Ieyasu : And so, who is this guys, that saved my forthress 

Navia : This person is Mochizuki Touya and L/N Y/N, he is one of my escorts and Y/N is my future husband 

Yumina : And Touya is my future husband 

Ieyasu : Well, i see. as the fiance of the princess of belfast makes his feat easy to understand, truly splendid 

Navia : Indeed, I'm so proud of him as well

Y/N : Alright, let's focus 

Touya : About the takeda army, do you think this will be enough to back them down? 

Ieyasu : Hm... it quite possible that they will regroup and attack us again

Junei : However i still don't understand what are these oni-masked troops and sudden aggression all about. The lord of takeda, shingen-dono is the fearless leader of the four military commanders known as takeda's elite four, but this battle felt like not shingen-dono at all. Maybe the rumors are true after all...

Touya : Rumors? 

Junei : There's rumors that shingen-dono might have already passed away, and the dark strategist yamamoto kansuke controls his corpse to manipulate takeda's armies at will 

Leen : After seeing those oni-masked troop, that doesn't seem impossible. He might have a spell or an artifact that can control corpses 

Touya : If we're able to seize that yamamoto kansuke, will things back to normal? 

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