Season 2 Chapter 2

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One day in the capital city of regulus empire. Touya is going there for shopping but when he got there he saw their is an attack in the city and tell Y/N, he teleport and help Touya.

Y/N : What the hell happen?

Touya : I don't know but help me out bro

Y/N : If it's you i cannot decline bro *fist bump*

Touya and Y/N helping people around them until they reach the castle, there they met someone, Touya help her recover but she attack them as well as Y/N and touya use 'gravity' to make her heavy. She though we're their enemy

Y/N : First of all, We're not a soldier, if i was one, i wouldn't have saved you, right?

??? : That's make sense

Y/N : We're not even from this country, my name is L/N Y/N

Touya : My name is Mochizuki Touya, I'm just an adventurer from belfast who just happened to visit this capital city and be dreeted by this uproar

Y/N : As to why i snuck into the castle, i can use a teleportation magic so i though i would let his majesty the emperor and important figures of this country flee from this country

??? : Do you really mean that!? If you do please lend me your power!

Touya : We'll do it but please keep your sword away from us

??? Understood, i swear upon my dual blade

Touya : I've released you

Caroline Rillettes : My name is Caroline Rillettes but you can call me carol. I'm a fourth-class knight belonging to the empire's third order.

Carol : We must meet with his majesty the emperor right away! I'll lead the way! This Way!

Touya : Ah, right

Y/N : I sense something, or someone getting attacked, I'll go first *cut the door very quickly and see a princess about to get killed*

Y/N : Worm like you don't belong to this room *kick the person really hard to the wall*

Y/N : Are you okay? (she look so young, maybe around yumina's age) *use cure heal on her shoulder*

??? : Wh.. Who are you?

Y/N : I'm L/N Y/N, an adventurer. I don't have any connection to the army so don't worry okey?

??? : L/N Y/N-sama

Y/N : Can you stand up? *i hold both of her hand* (She's beautiful)

??? : I can

Y/N : What's wrong?

??? : HAH!? Nothing It's nothing at all! *release his hand* I don't usually get a chance to interact with a gentleman, so that's why....

Carol & Touya : *come inside*

Carol : Princess

Princess : carol!?

Carol : Are you safe?! Who is this guy?

Princess : A guy who come to kill me, fortunately Y/N-sama came to save me

Carol : He what! Tried to kill the princess! Unforgivable! I'll kill you!!!

Touya : Hey Hey! So you're the princess, that explains why i feel a different atmosphere around you

Y/N : I already know when i come inside

Princess : I'm Lucia Rea Regulus, The Third Princess of the regulus empire. Y/N-sama, you don't seem surprised by this do you? Most people change their behavior soon after they learn that I'm a princess.

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