Chapter 2

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Once Emily saw that the wolf had fully retreated into the woods, she hurried to the tabby's side. It was a small, orange and white cat, and its head, paws, and torso were covered in blood. It was difficult to pinpoint its injuries amidst the bloodstains. Emily noticed the rise and fall of the cat's belly—it was still breathing. A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

With gentle care, Emily removed her hoodie and wrapped it around the injured feline. She then carried the cat into her car and carefully placed it on the back seat.

Driving home slowly, the ten-minute journey felt like an eternity as Emily anxiously glanced at the cloth-covered bundle in the back seat. She knew her parents, her mom a nurse and her dad a mechanic, wouldn't be home until late evening. Her mom had always made it a point to teach her daughter how to treat minor wounds and practice basic first aid.

As she contemplated what she could do to help the injured cat, she ran through a mental checklist. She'd need to rinse the wounds with water and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Cutting some of the fur to access the lacerations seemed necessary. But how do you bandage a cat? And, most importantly, she needed to call the vet right away; hopefully, they could see her tomorrow.

Emily's small town had only one veterinary clinic, and it didn't offer 24-hour or emergency care services. The aging vet had been clear about practicing solely preventative care. Emily felt a pang of frustration knowing that the nearest emergency care veterinary clinic was over an hour away in the next town. She was committed to doing everything in her power to save the injured cat, but it seemed overwhelming.

As always, Emily arrived home first, residing in a spacious house on the outskirts of town, nestled on a vast acreage that bordered the Whispering Woods. Her family had a history of keeping dogs and cats as pets, but most of them had mysteriously disappeared into the woods. Eventually, Emily's mom had put an end to pet ownership altogether. Emily couldn't help but wonder what her mother would say when she returned home to discover a wounded cat in the  house.

Emily gently carried the injured cat into her house and up to her room on the second floor, careful not to disturb it. Placing the animal, still wrapped in her hoodie, on her bed, she noticed the blood-stained fabric. The cat appeared unconscious, with deep lacerations on its body.

Frustration and worry swirled inside her. "I can't do this alone," Emily thought as she pulled out her phone to call the local vet. Unfortunately, the clinic was closed for the day, and a recorded message indicated they'd be closed for the next two weeks due to the doctor's holiday.

She muttered under her breath, dialing the number for the local animal rescue. A friendly woman answered, offering her gratitude, "Thank you for helping this little cat. Unfortunately, with Dr. Barkley away, we can't do much for this kitty."

Desperation laced Emily's voice as she asked, "So, what do I do?"

The woman replied, "You can try to find the owner, post a description of the cat on the local page. Meanwhile, clean those wounds and bandage them up. Apply steady pressure to help with clotting. Honestly, dear, from what you've described, that cat doesn't have much of a chance. It might have been easier to let the wolf have its dinner."

Emily hung up, infuriated. "I didn't ask for your opinion; I asked for help. I can't stand this town sometimes."

Following the advice of the woman from the animal rescue, Emily created a post on local social media page, seeking help to find an injured orange tabby's owner. She left out the encounter with the large wolf, a memory that still sent shivers down her spine.

Next, Emily carefully cleaned the cat's wounds until the water ran clear from blood. Surprisingly, the lacerations weren't as severe as she'd feared. She then wrapped the cat's injuries with bandages. Thanks to her mom being a nurse, their house was well-stocked with first aid supplies.

When Emily finished, the cat looked surprisingly good given the circumstances. She sat beside the animal, gently stroking its head as it lay unconscious on her bed. A strange sense of calm washed over her, as if she somehow knew that everything would eventually work out.

Emily nestled beside the wounded animal, gently caressing its head. The connection brought solace to both her and the tabby. As her parents arrived home, she heard her mom's voice echoing through the house. With a swift response, Emily assured them of her location. Her mother, dressed in nursing scrubs, entered the room and immediately noticed the bloodstained hoodie.
"Goodness! What happened?" she exclaimed, a hint of horror in her expression.
"I found an injured cat on my way back," Emily explained, choosing to omit the details about the wolf to spare her mother undue worry.
"Oh my gosh!" Emily's mom knelt beside the tabby, admiring the bandages. "You've done a great job. Sometimes, injuries are internal. We'll only know how bad it is when it wakes up or... well, you know." She stroked the tabby's fur sympathetically. "You have a long night ahead of you. Do let me know when it wakes up or if you need any help. I'll bring you some dinner in a bit." With this Emily's mom left the room.

Emily continued to run her fingers through the tabby's fur, savoring the softness of its orange and white stripes and the adorable little pale pink nose. "Definitely someone's cat," she thought. Checking her social media post, she found a few hearts and grateful comments, but no one claiming ownership. Surprisingly, Emily wasn't bothered; in fact, she secretly hoped the cat could stick around permanently.
Emily's evening was uneventful. She ate dinner, did some homework, played a game with her best friend Leslie online, and read a book before bed. Through out all of it, the cat remained unresponsive. Only its shallow breathing alerted Emily that it was alive. As the dark settled and the girl was ready for bed, she wondered what would happen if the cat died in the night. She stroked its fur and as she was falling asleep she whispered, "I hope you live."

In her dreams, Emily found herself astride a magnificent elk, galloping through a thick forest. Behind them, a colossal wolf, its maw dripping with blood, relentlessly pursued. The snarl of the beast reverberated through the wooded valley, instilling a sense of terror. Abruptly, Emily awoke, only to be met with the comforting touch of fur against her face.

Beside her, the cat, with its emerald eyes gleaming, emitted a reassuring purr. "You're safe," Emily uttered, a relieved exhale escaping her. The cat nestled closer, its purring creating a gentle symphony in the room. Gradually, an overwhelming sense of tranquility enveloped them, allowing both girl and cat to drift into peaceful sleep for the remainder of the night.

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