Chapter 12

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"Knock, knock," Emily heard her mom's voice through the door. She always announced the knocking instead of actually knocking.
"Come in," Emily called back.

"Oh, good, you are up and about," said her mom taking in a fully dressed Emily who was packing her backpack. "I was worried that you were still feeling ill."

"Err... no I am okay," said Emily wondering how much her mother has seen from the day before. "But I don't remember how I got home," she added.

"Well, two boys from your class brought you back, I think one was named Morgan... very handsome," she said with a a coy smile. "He said you passed out during science?"

"Oh... err... yeah... I skipped breakfast... low blood sugar," Emily lied.

"You scared me half to death! Good thing I was home! We need to get you to see a doctor," Emily's mom said sternly. "I think maybe you should stay home today. I'll stay too."

"I am fine, really," Emily protested.

"Emily, this could be serious. Humour me and rest today. I'll go to work to cover the morning shift, I'll be back before lunch," she said softly and left the room. Shortly after Emily heard the car pulling out of the driveway.

The clock on her nightstand indicated 7am.  Not much time, thought Emily. She rushed downstairs, put on her jacked, and headed outside. She needed to see Morgan and Sam, but that was as easy as walking into the woods.

It was still dark outside, but Emily could see purple and pink clouds in the horizon - the sun was coming up. The forest was quiet, a blanket of snow muffling her footsteps. Her flashlight cut through the frigid air, revealing the snow-laden branches overhead. Each step she took left a crisp imprint in the snow. The wintry silence was broken only by the occasional soft creak of branches. Emily's breath hung in the cold air as she walked through the forest, the only warmth in the midst of the snowy stillness.

She didn't know which way to go. She vaguely remembered the path Sam took to the grove and followed in that general direction. It felt like she was walking for hours but the sky was still dark. Emily pulled out her phone to check the time - 7:30am. It should be getting lighter, she thought. A message notice came up. It was from her dad, "how are you doing, kid?" It read. Emily smiled and quickly typed back, "all is good, feeling better." She pressed send but the message bounced back - "trouble sending." Must be out of range, she thought.

Emily continued walking forward. Soon she smelled a wood smoke. A distant bonfire flickered in the darkness, casting a warm glow on the surrounding trees. Coming closer, Emily saw a single tent near a crackling fire. Morgan sat on a large log sipping a steaming liquid from an enamel mug.

"Coffee?" He asked without looking up. He got another mug and filled it with a dark brew from a metal carafe.

"Thanks," said Emily feeling grateful for the warmth of the fire after a chilly trek through the woods. "I need to talk to you," she said eagerly.

"I bet you do, but first... coffee," he said and silently took a sip.

Emily followed suit and took a sip of her own drink. The bold, comforting notes of the brew enveloped her senses, a perfect complement to the chilly air surrounding her. The warmth from the mug seeped into her cold fingertips, syncing harmoniously with the toasty embrace of the fire. They sipped their coffee in silence until Morgan got up to stir the fire.

"You wanted to talk," he said, his tone even.

"It's about you and Sam, and our...situation," Emily started.

"Our situation?" Morgan said raising one eyebrow. "You don't have to be involved, you can leave... and I would."

"Sam told me that I am inline to be the new druid," said Emily.

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