Chapter 2

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I really didn't know what to write for this one, so I hope you like it and yeah, I'm still new to all this
Not many people are going to see this, but I haven't been motivated to write, but I will try to get more chapters out soon :)

Beca's pov

It was the first day of rehearsals, i was struggling a but with the choreography, but Chloe helped me with it, Aubrey was a bit harsh because she wanted everything perfect. I still don't understand why they do the same song and dance every year, but I went along with it. Chloe finished helping me with the choreography, and as Chloe and Aubrey watched everyone do the choreography, I couldn't help but stare at her almost exposed cleavage.

"My eyes are up here, Mitchell," Chloe says, and it catches my attention. My face turns red immediately in embarrassment but also slightly blushing.
"Y-yeah, sorry," I say, embarrassed. I can't help but stare at Chloe, she's so gorgeous and hot, I couldn't say the same as what I'm thinking though.

Everyone was taking a break from rehearsing for what felt like ages, I was exhausted, but then Chloe came up to me.
"Hey!" Chloe says in an over-happy tone
"Hi," I reply dryly, although I just want to pull her forward and kiss those lips.
"Wanna get some coffee after rehearsal? Chloe asks
"Sure, I'm down." I try to speak. I'm a bold tone but came out as more of a nervous tone. Whitch was true, I was nervous.
"Great, see you then! Bye becs" Chloe smiled as she walked off
"Bye Chloe," I normally hated people calling me Becs, but with Chloe, it just seemed.. fine?

Chloe's pov:

I am extremely happy about going out for coffee with Beca after reahersals. it's not really a date, but I'll count it as one. Something about Beca just makes butterflies come to my stomach, im not complaining, though. Beca is smokin' hot, she asks like such a badass, but I know that there is a softie in there. Reahersal finished, and I drove Beca ti the Coffee shop.

"So, how do you feel after reahersals?" I asked Beca, already knowing that answer from the look on her face.
"Tired," Beca replied back. "What shop are we heading to?" Beca adds
"Just the one around the corner from my house," I said with a smile. Damn, Beca looks so gorgeous when she's tired.
"Hopefully, this will get you more awake,"
"Hopefully," beca replies
We arrive at the coffee shop and we pick a table and sit down.
"Tell me about yourself, Becs. I don't know a lot about you, and I would love to know more," I say with a playful wink.
"Uh, I like to make mixes on my computer, and uh.. sleep?" Beca replies, not really knowing what to say. I chuckle at her answer, "sleeping?,  can't blame you there, I love to sleep."
I say with a slight smile.
"What do you like to do, Beale?"
"Oh, where to start? I love singing, of course. I love to read, I love animals, and I like to watch netflix on my couch."
I smile at Beca, who seems to be trying not to laugh.
"So basically everything?" Beca says to me.
"Yup," I say, popping the p. "What mixes do you make on your computer or laptop or whatever you use?" I ask with a hint of curiosity.
"Uh, just like songs blended together and stuff, not much," Beca says, and I catch her staring at my cleavage again.
"My eyes are still up here, Mitchell."
And with that, Beca's face goes red, and I laugh at it.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come round later on and have dinner round at my place. We could hang out and watch some netflix or whatever afterwards, You in?" I ask her, hoping that she will say yes.
"Sure, I've not got any plans anyway, so why not?"  beca says, and a wide smile comes across my face. "Awsome!" I sing out. "I'll pick you up at 7!"

Later on
Beca's pov:

I'm freaking out, Chloe Beale asked me to come round for dinner, and I don't know what to wear. Do I wear a dress? A flannel? A regular t-shirt and jeans?
I need to call Em, she knows about fashion.

"Hey Em, I need your help," I say when Emily answers her phone.

"What's up, B?" Emily answers.

"Can you come over, im in a crisis right now. Someone asked me to go round for dinner, and I don't know what to wear. I don't even know why I am trying to look nice, but I just need your help. " I can hear Emily laughing through the phone.

"Coming now, also, who's the lucky girl?" Emily asks. Emily is one of the first people I told about me being gay and she's really supportive also over protective. She's like a little sister who is way more mature than me, and I'm cool with it. "Her name is Chloe and the coffee in an hour. I don't even know if she is considering it a date, but I don't know if I am either, but I feel something different with her. I didn't meet her long ago, but I don't know what I'm feeling, " I say to Em. Not realising I've basically just said that I have a crush in her, although I don't know. Do I have a crush?

"I'll be there in 10, B. We're gonna make you look perfect so you can go and catch yourself a girl, " Em says, and my face goes red at her saying to catch myself a girl.

"I don't even know if she's gay Em. It could just be a friend dinner?" Although I hope it isn't. "Come on Becs, don't let your hopes go, you never know. She could have a majorrr crush on you, and you don't even know. Anyway, enough chit-chat, I'm coming round now. "

"See you soon Em" I say and hang up. Emily does live too far. She's an old friend of mine who I call in situations like these, she treats me like a sister and I'm grateful although. She is one of my closest friends, and I know that if someone were to break my heart. She would go mental.

10 minutes pass, and Emily is here. She knocks on the door. Thank god for her being able to come over, or I would have been going for dinner in joggies and a tee.

"Hey," I say and open the door to let her in. "Hey, BM. Now, let's get thus fixed. You gotta impress that Chloe girl. "

I laugh slightly at her words, and we go up to my room. She looks through my closet.
"Not a lot of option her, BM, huh." Soon enough, Emily takes out a sparkly black dress with a gold waist belt from the back of my wardrobe. She pulls out a pair of black heels and hands then to me. "Go get changed now B" I nod and walk into the bathroom and get into my dress. Soon enough, I walk out, and I am made to sit down by Emily, who sits me and does my hair and makeup.

Chloe's Pov:

I'm trying to decide whether or not to wear a sparkly dress, plain dress, or a shirt with a skirt. I want to impress Beca on our first dinner date/friend dinner. It's not a date, but I want to count it as one. Soon enough, after about 10 minutes, I pick out an Emerald Green dress with black heels and a light amount of makeup, I look at myself through the mirror and i gotta say, I done quite good. I look at my clock, and it's 5:56. "Shit!" I shout out and rush to get my car keys.

I arrive at Beca's House at 6:10 and knock on the door.

"You're late, Beale," Beca smirks as she walks out in a black dress and a gold waistband. My jaw drops.

"I know, sorry, i got caught up, doi-." My words are cut off when i look up and see beca "w-wow, you look.. gorgeous, " I say, admiring the brunette in front of me.
"Thank you, you look great as well," beca gives me a soft smile before walking over to me.

Beca's Pov:

Becas mind- 'O.m.g. I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked out. Although I definitely did a great job at hiding how shocked I was. Chloe is dressed beautifully, and she is so beautiful as well.'

I'm going to stop this chapter here, I feel like 1400 is fine, I might make the next chapter longer but I'm not sure yet. The dinner will be on the next chapter as well. hopefully the next chapter will be out by the 22nd of November.

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