chapter 3

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Beca's Pov:

Chloe had driven us round to her house for dinner, and I was quite shocked. She had the dining table all set out nicely and a bit romantically. There was a vase with lilies inside of it, which haooens to be my favourite flower. How does she know that? Or maybe she doesn't and just put random flowers in.

"Would you like a drink?" Chloe asks, and I nod.

"What do you have?" I ask. I am quite thirsty.

"Water,juice,fizzy drinks, and if you want some wine or beer, I have that as well." Chloe leans against the counter to wait for my answer, and I think for a bit before I answer.

"I'll take a glass of wine, please." I sit down on the chair that Chloe pulled out for me.

"Totes! I'll get that the now." Chloe grabs the bottle of wine that was sitting in the kitchen cupboard. She pours it into 2 glasses and places one in front of me before getting 2 plates and putting some food on them. She outs the 2 plates in the table and hands me a fork and knife.

"Wow, this looks really nice, Chloe." I say and take a forkful in my mouth. "Mm and it's delicious. You're quite a good cook." I say as I take a drink of my wine.

"Thank you." Chloe smiles, and she takes my hand. I blush at the feeling of her holding my hand, but I don't pull away.

"I. Uh, how are you?" I ask, trying not to stammer. Chloe giggles at me when she hears me stammering a little bit due to her hand holding mine.

"I'm great. How are you feeling tonight?" Chloe asks, trying not to laugh more than she already has."

"Y-yeah, im great as well."

Chloe's pov:

Me and Beca had finished dinner not too long ago, and I had asked her if she wanted to watch a movie . Surprisingly, she said yes. I put on 'Harry Potter' considering it is my favourite movie.

Throughout the movie, I steal a couple glances at Beca  before going back to watching the movie.

After the movie is finished, I look over to Beca. She fell asleep. Typical Beca, I look at the time, and it's around 9 o'clock. I get uo and grab a blanket from my room and put it over beca so she can sleep comfortably. After that, I go to the bathroom and take a shower.

Beca's pov:

I wake up from falling asleep during the movie and realise that I now have a blanket on me. I look qt the other side of the couch, and Chloe isn't there. I get up and walk around a bit. When I get closer to the stairs, I hear the water running and figure that she is in the shower so I sit on the couch and put on some music while waiting for Chloe to finish her shower.

Chloe comes down the stairs after about 10 minutes.

"Hey, you're awake," Chloe says as she walks down the stairs.

"Yep." I replies still while listening to my music, but soon after, I pause my music. "How long did I fall asleep for?"

"Eh, I don't know an exact amount, but when the movie finished, you were fully asleep, so I didn't wake you up." Chloe smiles as she says this, and she sits down next to me.

"Do you mind if I crash here? It's getting late, and I don't have a car." I ask Chloe. I don't really want to walk home when it's getting dark, and it's an excuse to spend time with Chloe, so it's a win-win.

"I don't mind, I've got a spare bedroom or there is the couch." Chloe says this in her usual soft but bubbly tone. She walks round the kitchen and grabs a glass of water. "Want a glass?"

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