Chapter 4

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Chloe's Pov:

Morning came, and Beca wasn't awake. I decided to cook some breakfast for when Beca wakes up, I set a plate of pancakes on the kitchen counter and watch 'mean girls' until she awoke from her sleep.

I've almost finished my movie, and I hear Beca walking downstairs

"Morning Bec" I say with a smile. I pause my show and stand up
"Breakfast is on the counter."

"Morning Chlo" Beca says, still half asleep. "What time is the Bella rehearsal again?"

"2pm, you better eat fast and get ready. it's 12am right now. " I tell Beca

"Okay." Beca walks over to the kitchen counter and grabs the plate of pancakes, and sits down on the sofa next to me.

"Still tired?" I ask as her eyes are half shut, and I can't help but breathe a laugh.

"Oh yes, I could sleep for hours more, but we have the stupid rehearsal." Beca's focus is only on the pancakes as she eats them. "These are quite nice, did you make them?"

"No, I bought them from the shops yesterday." I slightly laugh. "Glad you like them though."


Beca's Pov:

Ugh, rehearsals were the same as always, Posen was shouting at everyone, and nothing is new about this dance and song except for the fact that Fat Amy is taking one of Chloe's parts, which is 'turn the beat around'

Not gonna lie, Amy does quite a good job at it. Stacie can be quite a person who's into and talks a lot about sex but she's pretty cool, I've known her since high school, but we didn't talk a lot, a lot.

Although, during rehersals, I kept staring at Chloe, and then it hit me. I love her, I love Chloe. I said I wasn't going to date, but Chloe's different. Something about her makes my heart flutter. Ugh, what am I thinking? She probably isn't even gay.

I begin to walk towards the doors as I need to get some stuff for the shops them I bump into Aubrey.

"Posen" I say and glare at her and she glares back

"What's your deal?" Aubrey abruptly asks and I look at her confused

"What do you mean? The only deal i have is you" a smirk crosses my face as I see Aubrey fuming

"Not with me, with Chloe, the whole rehersal you were staring at her, im not going to let you use her for sex like the other girls you do it to"

"Woah, calm your jets Posen, I don't even like Chloe in that way, and my sex life has nothing to do with you" I may of said Stacie is obsessed with sex but honestly, I use it as my stress relief, I did lie about the part of 'I don't even like Chloe in that way' but I have no intention on using her for sex.

"Just dont try anything Mitchell or your life is going to be a living nightmare" I roll my eyes, walk past her and go to get my shopping.

Short chapter and I said I was going to release this chapter nearly a month ago but lost a bunch of motivation, that's why this is so short, I have motivation to write, I read over each chapter and I honestly don't like my own work.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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