Rules and Whatnot

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Hi guys. Guess who's back-

As said before(if you read the details of this book), this is nothing self-indulgent. This book was not really made for my purposes, but for others. Basically, I just have some requests I need to complete for Brawlhalla, so I'll put them here.

I'm not gonna really say who's requesting, just in case the person who is requesting doesn't want to be revealed. I don't mind if the requester does want to, however. There's a google form below to put what you want to be written, and whether or not you want to be anonymous or not.

First, however, I will not be doing:

- ___ X reader or anything along those lines(sorry y'all).

- Anything sexual... you know what I'm talking about.

- Ships/relationships with more than 2 people(polyamorous relationships/harems, if you will).

- Incest, forced/rape, or Pedophilia(no shit)

- Headcanons(My non-creative ass can't do this shit I'm so sorry. Also because I really don't have anything for this.)

This isn't because I have anything against the bullet points above(except for the last one, obviously), but because I do not feel comfortable doing so or I generally cannot write these prompts. I do apologize if that was what you guys were looking for. Maybe one day I can, but for now, no.

However, I can regular ships, and just regular situations between characters(y'know, nothing romantic). I can even do prompts or AUs(if you guys have any for reasons I won't judge)I don't mind! [Edit: __ X oc now??? If I have enough info??? I'm still pretty confused/unsure so I highly recommend yall don't. Please, sorry-]

Oh and warning; there will be ooc(out of character) moments, as this is written by me, not anyone from BMG who actually knows these characters. I still will put lore into consideration(unless told otherwise).

Anyways, here's the form to fill out[People who want to be anonymous or not, it makes the job easier for me]: 

[The form may change every once in a while, so if anything is different, don't be too alarmed]

That should really cover everything though, so do whatever you will, this book ain't gonna last long. (Basically, if you want requests, do what you will, as of now, I don't mind ig). If I didn't write your prompt, that's probably because I'm stuck, don't want to do it, or because it may have broken a bit of my comfort zone. Sorry if that is what it has come to, but I'm not the best at writing.

Anyways, that's all. See you all then. Bye!


[Real cover coming sometime idk.]

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