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School had finished and nothing major had happened today. Nobody has asked me abt the website at my school yet I just need to figure out a way to shut it down before it spreads everywhere.

I put my books back in my locker and I felt a hand creep round my shoulders. I looked up and saw bill smiling down at me I rolled his eyes and he began o remind me of what I needed to do.

"Ask the girl for the website remember" I nodded and he pulled dragged me out of school.

I didn't bring my car so I could take the bus. I got on and sat in the exact same spot as yesterday as I waited for her to get on at her stop.

I was listening to Billie again as I watched the stairs waiting for the girl to get up here. We stopped and I was pretty sure she got on her last time. My eyes were fixated on the steps.

I watched as the same brown locks walk up the stairs and towards the back of the bus. I watched as she walked past me, as she did I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down so we were face to face.

"What's the website from yesterday called?" I asked and she laughed

"it's called www.photographyphotos.co.uk" she replied and I nodded wondering how she had that whole thing memorised.

"How long he's been posting photos of me?"

"Like just around a week" she said and my mouth flew open I shock.

"Your kidding" I said and she shook her head. "Fuck okay I'll see ya" I said as she walked off and I turned back to the window.

I would search up the website I just had to wait till bill was here with me, cause honestly I was scared.


I got to tom and bills and immediately ran up the stairs and into bills room jumping on his bed. He was laying on his bed as well and we watched me as I flew through the air.

"You get the name?" He asked and I nodded.

He put his phone down and I quickly got up closing the door before I sat down again. I sat in front of his legs and he leaned foward as i began to explain.

"It's called www.photographyphotos.co.uk" I replied and he pulled his phone out typing it into google

We tapped on the first website and the first thing we saw was my face. I was shocked. I clicked on the profile and there whole account was full of photos of me. We tapped on one of me just in my bra and bill stared at the screen in awe.

"You got nice tits" he said and I slapped him round the head.

He grunted and grabbed his scalp rubbing it slightly. I had a quick glance at the views and saw 83,698 views and 30k likes. I pointed at it on the screen so it could catch bills attention and when it did he couldn't close his mouth.

"You're literally famous." He said and I giggled

"I wish"

sorry it's short I'm well tired and going bed

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