1. The Birth of An Angel

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Alex's POV
"Come on Rebecca you can do this. Just one more push and she's here. I'm right here just keep breathing in and out slowly." I relax Rebecca by rubbing her hand and back as she does a bit. Than I hear our baby girl's beautiful cry and I can't help but cry myself. Than all of a sudden my baby angel stops crying. That can only mean one thing.

"No no no! Come one! This is not my luck!" I shout and reach for our baby girl, my baby girl, as we help her breathe and I hear Bailey say. "We only have 5 minutes before she..." "Bailey don't say it!" I yell at her and she stands back. I grab my stethoscope and check her heart beating. It's really tight and not good. "Heart scan now! On my daughter now!" I yell and we get her to breathe first and I hold her hand as we check her heart and I make sure Rebecca is there with her but she doesn't do anything. Not even holding her hand.

After an hour later after my baby girl almost died we figured out what happened. "Alex, she needs open heart surgery or else she will..." Bailey tells me and I almost collapse on the floor hearing it but I catch myself. "You paged me? Alex! What happened?" Meredith comes rushing in and she sees everything.

"Uh Grey, Alex's daughter needs heart surgery now. What's her name?" Bailey asks us "Haisley" I picked the name of it was a girl. She looks like a Haisley. "Oh, beautiful name by the way. Grey get Yang right now to do the surgery." Bailey demands her and I start to cry because I cannot lose my first child.

"Hey Karev, it'll be alright. You know that Yang is the best we have. Your daughter is in good hands." Bailey tries to calm me but I just look at my daughter as I hold her hand tight.

Meredith and Christina come rushing in and she comes up to me. "She's in good hands Alex." Christina tells me "I know" I say while staring at my daughter as she is crying now. I just want to hold her. I notice she is turning blue. "GUYS NOW!" I practically scream and they all rush as I wait outside the room because Bailey kicked me out. I look at Rebecca and she's not even scared.

"What is the matter with you? Our daughter could die! You just sit there all fine." I panic at her

"It's how I do things Alex. I'm trying to think." Rebecca excuses herself and I roll my eyes. "You better be thinking about how we can save our daughter." I tell her and she has a look at the back of her mind but I can't tell what. "Alex you can come in now and so can you Rebecca. Just to stay with her so she isn't without her parents." Meredith tells us as she comes running back. I get up fast but Rebecca doesn't. "Come on Rebecca, she needs both of us, especially her mother." I tell her annoyed "I can't do it, you stay with her." Rebecca confesses without looking at me and at the floor. "Unbelievable" I tell her and myself. I run in and grab my daughters hand right away as they work on her.

The whole time they have been working on her I have just been staring at my angel. "You can do this, I believe in you. You have the power to do anything because you are my daughter. I will protect you and keep you safe from any hurt or pain. I promise to always love you and be there for you when you need. It's going to be ok." I whisper to her

"Alex, it's done, we just need to keep her on breathing tubes for a while and she should be ok but we never know. Just don't leave her side right now." Meredith informs me "Thank you and I definitely won't." "Do you want me to tell Rebecca?" She asks me "Please" I tell her while still looking at Haisley. She leaves and I rub my baby's hand.

"You are so beautiful" I whisper to Haisley and her finger wraps around mine and it feels like a perfect fit. Meredith comes back in looking annoyed. "She's gone, I can't find her." I look back at Haisley and I had a feeling this was going to happen.

"Looks like it's just you and me kid." I tell her and kiss her fingers.

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