7. DNA Is Not Always Family

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Haisley's POV
I am hiding from Rebecca because I hate her. She left as soon as I was taken out of her arms when I was born and given to dad's arms. I know because aunt Meredith accidentally blurted it out to me one time and my dad said it was true. I knew she left I just didn't know how.

"Get the hell out of here Rebecca." I hear dad say and he is angry.

"Wow, hello to you too Alex. I just wanted to talk to you. I'm doing better now, I'm out of recovery and I have my own place. Will you move in with me and I can show you how well I'm doing now?" What a psycho she is. I hear dad laugh before he talks and I quickly cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing too.

"Hell no! You left our daughter while she was fighting for her life. No actually MY daughter, you are nowhere close to being her mother." Dad tells her off and I smile at that.

"Have you never heard of people changing because you've changed." Rebecca tries to convince him and I doubt it.

"People don't change that much. You never visit our daughter, you don't call her, you have only tried to call me to get me back because that is how messed up you are. My daughter hates you and I don't blame her. You found out she was sick and than you ran away from her so you wouldn't have to deal with her. Now that is fucked up. You never even give her birthday or Christmas cards. You left the day she was born. Who does that!" Dad sticks up for me.

"Please Alex, let me get to know her than, now." Rebecca begs and I am not letting that happen and I get enough courage to stand up from the desk and she looks at me shocked. "Oh honey, you've gotten so beautiful and..."

"Oh no! No! You do not get to play that card. You left me when I was at my weakest moment. When I could've used the love of a mother at the time the most. When I was almost dying but I didn't get that. All I had was dad and everyone else in this hospital. Dad was the one who never left me. He never let go of my hand. You did, you let go." I remind her and my throat chokes up. Dad looks at me with concern.

"I know and I can do better now." She tries but she keeps looking at dad more than me. "No, all you want is to have more time with dad. I know what that means. You just use people for your own sick pleasure and leave. I can never trust you again. Please leave us alone, everyone in this hospital. Go away Rebecca" I force out because it hurts so much and I swallow back my tears.

"Wow, umm, fine than" She finally leaves and dad looks at me with his continuous concerned look. A lot of people noticed the situation so he takes me to the office room and closes the doors and the blinds so I can have some privacy and I just melt down and start crying my eyes out. Dad holds me tight and I hug him tight while he rubs my back and I just start balling.

"It's ok, I'm here, she's gone and I'm here. Just let it out and take deep breaths." Dad relaxes me and I cry out all I have left as he rubs my back more and I start to feel more relaxed.

"Better?" Dad asks me "Mmhm" is all I can get out because my throat is dry. I clear it and he noticed so he gives me some water in the room. I take the whole thing and my throat clears up.

"She's such a bitch, she didn't even ask about me." I realize and he hugs me right after I say that.

"Which you don't deserve that from her. I on the other hand am right here for you, always." Dad assures me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

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