4. We Saved Her Again

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Alex's POV
I carefully run my daughter to the surgery wing with Bailey and Webber. As I hold her Haisley is clutching onto me like she used to as a kid. Like she did when she was scared. I rub her back as we run and when I lay her down on the surgery table I rub her forehead and it's covered in sweat.

"She's sweating from the puking and burning up. We need to give her fluids." I inform everyone and they do all that fast.

"Alex what happened?!" I hear Meredith rushing in with gear on. "She just fainted and puked blood out of nowhere. It, it might be her heart." I realize and Meredith looks at me with scared and big eyes. "She'll be ok Alex, it's Haisley. It's our fighter Haisley, she's going to be ok." She assures me

"Now remember everyone we are dealing with a very sensitive heart here so please do not break it otherwise this man here, her father will kill you." Bailey warns everyone "She's not wrong" I warn them back and I just hold her hand as I help save her.

"Haisley you will not die on us right now do you hear me baby girl. I held your ever so tiny body when you were born. I babysat you in this hospital when your daddy was working. I've seen everything you have been through so please, do not die on me." I hear Bailey whisper to Haisley and I almost tear up at that because she doesn't do that often. We smile at each other as she continues on with the surgery.

When we think we are done we wait a second just to make sure nothing happens to her. We just all put our hands up and wait. "She's fine" Webber announces and we all take a relieved breath and everyone helps stitching my strong daughter back together.

"You did it once again my angel. My brave warrior" I whisper to her and kiss her forehead.

As I wait for her to wake up in the hospital private room I just stare at her and relax my heart rate. When I look up I see Bailey.

"Hey, how's our strong girl doing?" She asks me "She's been asleep well and doing good since the surgery. Thank you for saving her again Bailey." I thank her and she comes and sits beside me.

"I'd do anything for that girl. Everything she has been through you two have not deserved that crap but you both have kept pushing forward together. With us by your side. She really is a miracle isn't she." Bailey helps me relax

"She truly is, never seen someone like her going through this before and I have seen tons of kids with PEDS but she's definitely her own story." I realize with Bailey and we both look at her in amazement. Than I hear her groan in pain and we see her wake up.

"What happened?" Haisley asks us and we get up but I sit beside her and put my arm around her as I hold her tight. "You were losing blood in your heart so we had to do a quick surgery on you. Everything is ok, just stay here for a week and drink lots of water and no salt. Also you did incredible in there, we're all impressed by you." Bailey informs her and she relaxes as she gets information.

"Thank you" She says to the both of us. "It's what we do, I'll leave you too alone and check up on you later." Bailey says to her "Thanks Bailey" I tell her and she smiles at me as she leaves. I keep holding Haisley tight and I take her hands as well because I'm so scared to let go of her now.

"How are you feeling?" I check on her "Pretty ok, just tired that's all." She admits and I rub her head. "Do you want to sleep or watch a movie?" I ask her "We can watch a movie." She answers and I get my laptop out and we watch her favourite movies together the Hunger Games movies. As Haisley cuddles up to me I rub her cheek and kiss her forehead. I could never lose my angel.

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