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We hadn't been to sleep yet.

12:09am, Her: I miss you, my love

12:18am, Me: I miss you more, my dear

12:22am, Her: no u dont 🤬

12:22am, Me: Yes tf I do. You're all I think about night and day so stfu.

Me and our friends were out to Cookout. I was telling some dude our friend brought along about our love story. 

He wasn't interested.

1:15am, Me: I've just felt something off since last night (Friday night)

1:15am, Her: I'm just depressed.

She says she loves me, she's very grateful for me and our friends. She loves our friends.

She worries me. 

I tell her we all love her. Very much. Because we do. 

4:03 am. I'm high. I send her a message.

"I love you, I feel like I say it a lot, but I really do mean it. You're my first thought in the morning and my last at night. You're so beautiful. I've felt like the luckiest person in the world to have you. I hope you're sleeping well and having good dreams. I love you. So so so so very much. I miss you. I love you."

She doesn't respond. 

She comes home around 10:30 ish. We all sleep for some time. 


Around 1:45 pm

I get up and I have lunch with our college friends because I'm hungry.

I miss my girl. She's changed. 

I tell them I think she hates me.

Later we all go to Target to get the things we needed for friendsgiving, potatoes and a pot. We end up getting all sorts of things.

My girl says she hopes that our one friend leaves soon so we can fuck. 


I cook us all dinner. Mashed potatoes, Chicken nuggets, and Mac and Cheese. Paw Patrol mac.

She leaves after eating the mac and cheese. 

I text her to let her know everything else is done.

She says : okay my love ❤️

But she doesn't want any, her stomach hurts. 

I go up later,

we're making out,

she stops. 

"My sister was supposed to text me"

I don't even remember if we said goodnight.

Her. (rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now