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"Are the workers playing matchmakers or something?!" -Adeline McKane

"You're talking as if i work here. But getting stuck in an escape room with a pretty girl doesn't sound too bad" -Emery Jefferson


The red lights on the door lock lights up again signalling another failed passcode attempt. Frustration was washing over Adeline as she could not figure out the puzzle for the life of her. The situation was leaving her little to no choice but to use physical attempts to open the door. She pushed it, pulled it, twisted the doorknob, kicked it, even. Much to her dismay, none of her attempts worked and it only resulted her to be in pain from kicking too hard. She hunched over and winced.

"My goodness, are you okay there?," a voice from behind her said, startling her. She whipped her head around to see a tall boy who looked her age. He had messy black hair and glasses making him look like some highschool nerd. His eyes were a light shade of hazel, almost green. His t-shirt caught her attention the most. Is that..Rihanna..? 

"Sorry did I scare you? You looked like you just saw a ghost." the boy said while trying to hold back a laugh. "There's plenty of reasons for me to be shocked," Adeline replied. "Oh yeah? Give me a list, please," commented the boy. Adeline sighed. "First things first, i'm a girl, alone in a dark escape room that i'm stuck and some random dude appeared behind me," she blurted.

"You have a point. I won't cause you any harm, i promise. By the way, I'm assuming you're struggling to solve the puzzle. Do you need a hand?" the boy replied again. Adeline stopped to think for a moment before nodding briefly. This situation required rational thinking. She knows arguing won't get her out of that room anyway. As much as she wanted to bicker with him, she chose to put her ego aside.

"But before that, may i know your name? I can't keep calling you stranger forever, you know? You're too pretty to be called that" he raised an eyebrow in a sickeningly smuggish way. Adeline squinted her eyes in annoyance but it was gone in a flicker. "Adeline McKane. Call me Addy" she then held out her hand and the boy shook it gently. "Pretty name for a pretty lady. I'm Emery Jefferson, Em for short," he replied.

Adeline huffed slowly, still unable to process the situation. She went to an escape room alone to release some stress from university only to not be able to figure out a puzzle and now she's stuck with some flirty stranger and they have to solve puzzles together. Adeline shook her thoughts off and focused on the riddle instead. She's gonna need a full night's sleep after what happened today.

After a few minutes of silence, Adeline was the first to break it. "Hey Emery. Are the workers playing matchmakers or something? I feel like we're not the first one to be in this situation. Make it make sense. They only allow one group at a time and suddenly we're both here," she asked with a hint of annoyance and anger laced in her tone. Emery looked up at her and let out a small laugh.

"You're talking as if i work here. Your little theory might be right. But getting stuck in a room with a pretty girl doesn't sound too bad," he winked, sending shivers down Adeline's spine. She then smacked his shoulder and he let out a yelp. Her teeth gritted in annoyance. "Quit flirting and solve the damn puzzle, Emery," she spat, trying to hide her embarrassed expression while Emery continued to laugh. "Yes ma'am"


A/N : well first chapter is a wrap! i like it so far. I'm always open to suggestions on what to add to this story to add some spice to it so feel free to give your opinions (only constructive criticism accepted) i might update a little slow since i'm preparing for a very big exam (currently having trials) i'm writing this to keep my brain stimulated and it's working tbh. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this little chapter and i'm targetting to write about 30-50 chapters before ending it. if it does well, i might write a sequel, who knows ;)) 

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