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-Adeline's pov-

Our ears perked up at the clicking sound of the door finally getting unlocked. Emery eagerly opened it as if he had been suffocating underwater and desperate to breathe after so long. i can't say i'm any different from him. it did felt pretty suffocating in there. we walked out to be greeted by one of the workers there, smirking. my eyebrows raised in realization. oh so they really did play matchmakers. 

"congrats, you two! here's a little gift for each of you for completing all of the task. the next time you come visit, you'll get a 50% discount. we hope to see you again next time, possibly together," the worker cheered as if he's been waiting to say that for his whole life. i laughed half heartedly and took the gift. it was a bar of chocolate tied with a pink ribbon to make it look fancy which was pretty cute. i almost snapped  at the workers for playing tricks on us but the thought that was put into the gift softened my heart a little. 

"we'll come again".

"we won't come together next time, sorry". 

our heads turned to look at each other. i was in shock but he was just expressionless. our replies left the worker confused. "what do you mean we'll come again?," i said between gritted teeth. My eyes widened for a moment as i emphasised on his choice of word. "i mean, i would love to come here with you next time. I don't mind it if you don't want to, of course. Plus, we won't go as strangers next time so it won't be too bad," Emery replied calmly with a smile. I mentally face palmed, trying to calm myself down. he can't be serious.. i thought. 

"i'll think about it," i replied quickly without looking at him trying to get myself out of this situation as fast as i could. "you better," Emery leaned in before whispering in my ear. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine. i hate to admit it but he does have a point. 

We grabbed our belongings from our respective lockers. Emery was done quickly with his stuff and walked away before sitting on one of the tables quite far away form the lockers. Is he waiting for someone? A worker came up to me and this time it was a girl. I glanced at her nametag that says Maya on it. "i take it you're.. Adeline McKane?" she asked politely. "yes that would be me. Is there a problem?" i replied with the same gentle tone. "Oh nope there's no problem. That gentleman over there, Emery Jefferson, the one you were stuck with earlier," Maya stopped for a moment and i nodded, paying full attention to what she was going to say. "yes..?" i replied slowly.

"He told me to give this to you," Maya said before handing me a small folded piece of paper and i took it from her. I opened it to see the inside that said 'i feel bad you had to be stuck with me in there. coffee? my treat :)' I couldn't hold back my smile at his thoughtful act and lifted my head up to see him already smiling at me. I walked up to him as he did the same. "thought about it yet? I think it's a yes based on how you were smiling," he teased. 

I laughed and kept the letter in my pocket. "it's a yes, but not today. i have to catch up on assignments," i replied. Emery nodded in agreement. "it's alright i figured you were a college student so you must be a busy woman," he pat my shoulder lightly. "text me anytime you're free and we'll set a day," he smiled. "i don't have your numbers, though..?" i tilted my head, confused. Is he flirting or does he have a bad memory? 

"exactly," he winked. of course he was flirting. i let out a chuckle and rolled my eyes at him as i handed him my phone. he smiled cheekily and added his phone number into mine and called it. his phone rang before he ended the call and handed me back my phone. "Perfect. Your phone has been fixed," he stated casually. I raised my brows as a sign of 'what do you mean?' and Emery flicked my forehead as a result. I scoffed in disbelief. Did he just?

"i meant as in i fixed your phone by giving you my number, since it's the only thing your phone is missing," he said and rubbed my forehead to soothe the pain. "i'm really debating if i should delete it now," Emery raised an eyebrow. "Ma'am, are you forgetting that i have your number on my phone as well?," i thought for a moment and sighed in exasperation. "right," i gave up on bickering with him. The exhaustion from today is washing over me like a tidal wave. Maybe the assignments can wait.  

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