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Emery's pov :

I sprawled out in bed waiting for a text from Adeline. I couldn't be more excited for our coffee meet up. My expectations were on the ground the moment she opened that paper. I didn't wanna put too much hope into the proposal. But when she looked up from the paper and smiled at me, my breath got stuck in my throat. For the whole 2 hours i spent with her, that was the first time she smiled at me so genuinely. I caught myself smiling at the thought of her smiling at me and brushed it off, not wanting to rush into conclusions. She was probably just being nice.

My hand went to my nightstand and grabbed the pearl bracelet Adeline dropped near her locker earlier. I wanted to give it to her but I figured i could make it an excuse to talk to her so I kept it. I grabbed my phone and clicked on the missed call from Adeline's phone. I was about to text her but I chose to call her instead. I tapped on the call button and waited for her to pick up the phone as my hand still fidgeting with her bracelet. It smelled like her perfume. Her bracelet must've gotten sprayed as well. She radiates a strong and bold scent, similar to her personality. It was a mix of wild berries and citrus. This is the scent that will be etched in my brain everytime I think of her.

Adeline's pov :

My phone rang as I was drying my hair. I checked to see who it was and my eyebrows rose slightly to see Emery's name popping up. Oh? I expected him to text me but now he's calling me which left me no choice but to pick up the phone. "Hi Mr. Jefferson. Miss me already?," I joked and heard Emery laugh. Thank God he did or else i would've made a total fool of myself. "Last name basis? I like the formality, Ms McKane. Sounds very professional," He said with a hint of sassiness. I'm slowly warming up to him and his attitude but his actions can be real unpredictable.

"Professionality is important, you see," I replied, causing Emery to grin again. "Oh yeah? Tell me about it, Addy,"

3rd person pov

Emery's flirtatious way of speaking surely knows how to sweep a girl off of her feet but Adeline's pride is way too high to fall for one's flirting. One thing about Adeline is that she's known for her playing hard to get attitude that only seemed to increase gradually after her past lovers disappointed her to the core by cutting things off with her without any valid reason whatsoever.

The call went on for about an hour before Emery spoke up again. "Actually, i didn't call you for no reason," Emery stated casually making Adeline hummed in question. "Did you have any bracelet with you when you entered the escape room?," Adeline shrugged at his question. "Yes, but when i got back home I noticed it was gone. Probably fell somewhere. I'm planning to go back to the escape room centre and look for it tomorrow, though. I was too tired to turn around," as much as Adeline wanted to stay at home for the whole day, she knew she had no choice but to get her bracelet back.

"There's no need for that, missy. I have it with me because i know it won't be there anymore by tomorrow," Emery said proudly as if he just caught a star in the sky. "Do you really?," Adeline asked, still pretty much in disbelief until her phone dings and a notification from Emery came in. It was a picture of her pearl bracelet. "You really do. I was worried it'd get stolen," she could not be more grateful. Her worries washed away knowing where it was and that it was safe.

"When do you think you can return it to me?," She was eager to get her bracelet back in her hands. "Tonight, if you want," Emery suggested. Adeline raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Damn that's fast," Emery chuckled at her response. "Yes or no?," Emery spoke again. "Impatient, are we? Okay then tonight it is. I'll give you my address," Adeline responded. Emery could tell there was a smirk dancing on her lips while she said that. He was amused at how fast Adeline warmed up to him. However, he definitely has no complaints. "I'll be waiting," Emery hung up the phone and smiled quietly to himself. 

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