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I woke up due to someone knocking on my window.

y/n: "The fuuuuuuuuuck?"

I said while yawning and stretching.

When I looked at the iwindow, Silk was there.

She noticed that I was awake and opened the window.

Silk: "You forgot your phone."

y/n: "Oh. Well, thank you. Wait a minute... You know who I am, don't you?"

Silk: "Yup, y/n."

y/n: "Will you be so kind and tell me who you are?"

Cindy: "Cindy Moon."

y/n: "Your last name is Moon? That's so fucking cool."

Cindy: "Thank you, I guess."

She threw me the phone and I grabbed it using my web.

Cindy: "It's 5AM, wanna swing?"

y/n: "Sure, let me put my Spider Suit on."

I put it on and started swinging with Cindy.

Cindy: "The view is beautiful, isn't it?"

y/n: "It certainly is. But let's be honest, the world is prettier when it's dark outside."

Cindy: "It is."

I dove and did a loop de loop onto a building.

Cindy: "Show off."

y/n: "I do it more for the momentum than the looks."

y/n: "Hey can I ask you for help?"

Cindy: "With what?"

y/n: "Well when I swing, I keep thinking about making a song about being Spider Man, because ya know, being a musical artist is cool, so can you help me with the lyrics?"

Cindy: "Sure."

y/n: "Sweet! I'm thinking about starting the song with the chorus."

(The lyrics I'm about to type were not created by me, but by EARTHGANG, please support them, if you want to.)

Cindy: "Well a chorus about being a superhero should defenitely begin with "Yeah, yeah, yeah"."

y/n: "And then "My senses bouncin' of a wall"."

Cindy: "Which should be followed up by "Evil lurkin' everyday"."

y/n: " "You don't ever need to call"."

Cindy: " "I can feel it right away"."

y/n: " "Slim chances to beat the odds"."

Cindy: " "But I always find a way"."

y/n: " "You were never just a nobody, go get them tiger"."

Cindy: "The chorus should end with "swingin' up and away"."

y/n: "Genius."

y/n: "Well the next time we're going to swing together we're making lyrics for the first verse."

Cindy: "Sounds cool."

We saw the Vulture guy destroying parts of houses.

y/n: "His name is Adrian, right?"

Cindy: "Yeah, why?"

I swung up to him.

y/n: "Yo Adrian! It's me, Spider Man!"

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