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I use to be an outcast. We all did. This is our story of what we went through during those days of being left out. My name is Hikaru. I was labeled as the school's slut. People would always make up stories about sleeping with me just to get praised. All the girls hated me, I was accused of sleeping with their boyfriends even though I was a virgin. The only people who would listen and believe me were my parents and my other outcast friends.

One of those friends is Madoka. The weird nerd of the school. She got made to do everyone's homework in the class and they used threats like 'I'll bash you if you don't' or 'I'll tell everyone who you like.' Nobody actually knew who she liked but Madoka had always been terrified of those girls and believed in whatever they said.

My other friend is Tsubasa, the 'girly' boy. Everyone called him that, I was never sure if it was because of his long hair or because he was gay, maybe even both. He was constantly teased for liking one of the bad boys of the school, Ryuga. I remember the time he tried overdosing himself on drugs, but my other friend Nile found him in his room with empty pill bottles, and took him to the hospital.

Nile. The school freak. He went through a lot of bullying through school, he was also gay and had a major crush on the other bad boy, Kyoya. Not a day goes by with Nile being untouched, he always shows up with bruises, whether it be from school or home. He gets abused by his father for being gay and for getting bad grades in his English class, one time his father pegged a full can of beer at his head and the kid came to school with a massive bruise and concussion before passing out later on during the day. His dad also injects him with a drug so he doesn't fight back when he abuses him making Nile petrified of needles. Not only does his father abuse him but so does his teachers, throwing whatever they grab at him. He was even sexually harassed by his science teacher.

My last friend is Demure. The shy pansy of the school. He's always nervous and gets easily scared. He finds school hard from the teases he gets from being timid, the laughs he gets from almost wetting his pants when he has to do a speech. He's never safe even at lunch people are mean to him, throwing food, fake bugs and even real ones. One time someone through a tarantula at him and he ended up fainting.

This is how we've lived. I'm surprised we're still alive, I'm surprised none of us have actually ended the suffering. Sure we've all tried. I almost jumped off the school roof, Tsubasa tried overdosing, Madoka bashed her head against a brick wall, Nile cut his wrists and was almost killed by his father, and Demure Tried them all but chickened out before he could. We have all stayed strong and we got through it. This is our story. This is what we are. This what we become.

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