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Author's note: I'm so freaking sorry for taking over a year to update this chapter!!! It's just that I haven't been able to think of ideas for this story (writers block is a bitch). However, now I have planned out the entire story. I should be able to update this story (and hopefully others) more often from now on, and I promise not to leave you all hanging for over a year. Once again I apologise. Now, on with the story!!!

I can do this. There's nothing to be afraid of. I mean, it's just school... right? Wrong. This place is worse than hell, to me anyway. But today is going to be the day where I don't get scared once!
"Hey Demmy!!!"
"Jesus Christ, Nile! You scared the crap out of me!" Well, there goes my plan on not getting scared.
"Sorry," he apologises with a grin, slinging his arm over my shoulder as we head towards the entrance of the school.
From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of the shorter's face. He has dark bruises along the left side of his face as well as a busted lip.
"What happened to you?" I finally ask, I just couldn't contain my curiosity any longer.
"I um... tripped... and fell... bruising basically the whole left side of my body..."
"What did you trip onto?"
"My father's warm, embracing fists... and steel cap boots. Anyway, I'd rather not talk about it so can we please drop it?" I let it go, knowing I would only upset him more if I didn't.
We continue walking through the school, thankfully not running into anyone along the way.
"Hey boys! Nile, what the fuck happened to your face!?" Hikaru called out from our spot.
"Drop it!"
"Not talking about it won't solve your problems Nile,"
"Yeah? Well talking about them won't fucking solve them either, so fucking drop it!" Before she could say anything else, I wave my hand from behind Nile to tell her to stop. And thank god it worked, because shit was about to hit the fan.
The sound of the bell cuts through the awkward silence. Tsubasa and Madoka didn't show up so I didn't have anyone to talk to for a good 20 minutes because of the little argument. I get up to head to class, Hikaru following. Nile just sits there. I want to stay there with him, but he needs a bit of space, so I leave for class.
We get inside and head our separate ways. Great, now I'm alone. I should just turn around and go back to Nile, but then I would get in trouble for being out of class, which also petrifies me.
"PUSSY!!!" I jump about 10 feet in the air it scared me so much. I know it was barely anything, but when you suffer from extreme anxiety like me you're constantly on edge.
"Hah, works every time," the one on the right says, high fiving his twin. God I hate Dan and Reiki.
"Smell you later douche!" Reiki says as he pulls the back of my shirt over my head, Dan giving me one of his horrendous wedgies. Then the two run off. Great, now I'm gonna be late!!!!

At lunch
I walk over to our tree to find Nile sitting in the same position he was in when we left him, only this time with an apple in his hand.
"Nile! I need your 100% honest opinion!" The only response I get is a confuse stare so I continue.
"So like before class started, I came across the twins who, you know, scared the shit out of me. And not only that, they also pulled my shirt over my head and gave me a wedgie! Now, I've read somewhere that wedgies are bad and can cause severe damage down there. So my question is-"
"You're fine Demure." Nile interrupts without even bothering to look up at me.
"No, Nile, you don't understand! When I went to the bathrooms, just to check because I would never go in there to use the toilet, there was some blood on my underwear!"
"Demure! You're fine. So fucking relax and stop bugging me about it!" At that he gets up and walks off. I know he didn't mean it to come out like that but I knew he wouldn't understand anyway, especially when he's upset and in pain. I see Hikaru walking over. Surely she'll know if I'm going to die from some sort of disease or infection from the wedgie I received. But then again, no one seems to understand what I'm going through.

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