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Nile's P.O.V

"Can I go now?"
"You still have half an hour young man." Fuck... if my dad finds out that I got after-school detention, he'll kill me. If I get home late he'll also kill me so I'm screwed either way. I look around the room, there are only two other kids but they're only here because of after-school tutoring. Maybe I can sneak out when he helps them with something.
"Sir! Can you help me with this question?" Here's my chance. The teacher walks over to help the kid, his back turned towards me. Hah, checkmate motherfucker, I'm out.
"I'm, sir, that boy is leaving!" You son of a bitch! I don't bother waiting for the teacher, instead I fucking bolt.
"Nile!" He calls out, "get back here now, or I will call your father!!" I stop running and freeze. No no no no no! He can't fucking do that. I'm fucked either way so I started walking again.
"Shit it's 4:00... I'm so dead."

At home

It has taken me a whole 24 minutes to get to my street. I should have ran the entire way so I wouldn't be as late as I am now. If I'm not dead by tomorrow morning, at the latest, then I'll buy a lottery ticket because that will be pretty damn lucky. I finally make it to my house, that hill is a bitch to speed walk up.
"Shit, dad's home," maybe I should just turn around and run away, that would solve my problems for a couple of hours... until he would find me. Fuck it, I'll just sneak in and hope for the best. I walk up to the front door, my hands trembling as I reach for the handle and open the door. Boom baby, the door doesn't even make a sound so I should be good. Now to close it... done. Then I turn around to something hard colliding with my head, yay...
"Where the fuck have you been, huh?"
"I-I was at s-school, um, h-h-helping the t-teacher," my head's pounding so bad right now and I just want to run out the door, but I'm too petrified to even move.
"What's with the stutter? I thought we got that fixed, f-f-f-fuckwit!" He mocks, "come here boy," I just stand there, I can't move, I can't even think straight.
"Did I stutter, Nile!? Get your fucking ass here, faggot!" But I don't... he doesn't ask again. Instead, he storms up to me with rage and grabs me by my hair and rams my head into the door repeatedly, until my head goes through it. Before I even get the chance to cry out, he drags me into the bathroom where he slams my head on the sink a few times before throwing me to the ground. I can't breathe due to the heavy flow of blood gushing out of my nose.
"I-I'm s-sorry," I choke out in pain. He replies by kicking me in the stomach, then places his foot on my head.
"Listen here you little fuck! If you EVER come home late again, I will fucking break you. Do you understand?"
"Do you understand!?"
"Yes..." with that he leaves. He leaves me shaking and crying with my face in a pool of my own blood. All I can do is lie here in pain.
"I should buy a lottery ticket," I say to myself trying to lighten the mood, but all I can do is cry until I finally black out.

The next morning

I wake up with a dreadful pounding in my head, my face basically stuck to the floor due to the blood.
"Ah fuck!" Everything hurts, and now I have to get ready for school. I better clean this mess up too.
I check the time on my phone, "still plenty of time," I say to myself. At least dad's at work. I jump straight into the shower, unable to actually look at myself while I'm still covered in blood. I'll eventually have to, but for now my hair is in need of washing. I try my best not to touch my head or pull my hair but it's really fucking hard to get all of this dried blood out.
"Fuck it, that'll do," I get out of the shower, wrap myself in a towel, and quickly mop up the blood with water and paper towel, also making sure that I wipe it off of the sink. Then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror... I didn't want to see it... but I can't look away, tears swelling in my eyes at the sight. My stomach and ribs are littered with dark looking bruises, but my face... the were a few deep and angry looking cuts on my forehead along with a massive purple bruise that also went down to my temple and cheek. Even my eye was swollen.
"You're fucking pathetic, Nile..."

At school

I don't want to be here. Everyone just going to be asking questions, my friends will probably freak out, Rago will still be a dick because I won't be able to physically or mentally deal with his bullshit, and if I see Kyoya today he'll probably get suspicious and ask questions until I eventually give up and tell him... so fuck school right now. I can't even walk straight, everything's blurry and every time my head pounds I can't see from my peripheral vision.
"Hey Nile, wait up!" Shit... Madoka will tell everyone straight away even if I just don't show up, and then everyone will com looking for me. Maybe if I just pretend that I didn't hear her.
"NILE!!!" Well that worked. I don't bother turning around, I just wait for her to catch up.
"Hey- what the fuck happened to you!?"
"Nothing..." I mumble. I know she has a general idea of what happened, but she doesn't need to know how bad it got.
"Honey, I don't think you should be at scho-"
"Where else am I supposed to go, Madoka!?" I instantly feel regret when I see her face drop in sadness, "I'm sorry... I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't exactly skip school because they'll call him and he would beat the fuck out of me because of it." She doesn't say anything, just gives me a worried expression, wraps her arm around me, and walks me into school.


Madoka must have somehow told everyone not to ask questions, I don't know how but I'm starting to think that she's a wizard or something. I'm currently heading to my English class which absolutely sucks, and what makes it even worse is that my head is throbbing and it's making me extremely dizzy. Through my blurred vision I can see Kyoya in the distance waiting for me. I've been able to talk to him more often because of English, and he's just the most amazing guy I've ever freaking met in my life!
However, as I get close the dizziness starts to get worse, everything is literally spinning. Next minute I'm on the ground and I faintly see Kyoya rush over to me. I don't even remember falling.
"Nile!" That's the last thing I hear before I black out completely.

Hikaru's house

What the hell happened? Where am I? Why am I half naked? Is that Kyo-
"What the fuck!" I rush to cover up my bare chest with the blanket. Why is Kyoya here, isn't this Hikaru's room?
"Calm down, Nile. You passed out at school and both Kyoya and I saw, so we brought you here." Hikaru says as she walks into the room.
"Well where are my clothes?"
"On my desk. After seeing the damage to your face I needed to check the rest of you, and I'm not surprised with what I found," Kyoya doesn't say anything, he just sits there thinking. I think it's safe to assume that he knows now.
"So what the fuck happened, Nile?"
"Just the usual..." I reply, she won't want to know the full details.
"Nile, what did he do to you?" This time it's Kyoya asking. I hesitate for a moment, I don't want them to know but I don't have a choice anymore.
"W-well, I uh, I got home late. I tried to sneak in... but that didn't work, he threw what I think was a full can of beer at my head. After that's a blur, b-but I remember him smashing my head through the wall a couple of times as well as against the s-sink. After that I blacked out..." I feel tears streaming down my face. When did I start crying? I try to calm myself but it doesn't seem to be working that well. Then I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in. Kyoya is hugging me! Not long after Hikaru hugs me from behind, head resting on my back. I can't hold it in anymore. What was before a few tears, turning into many as I sob uncontrollably into Kyoya's shirt. This only made them hold me tighter, and for the first time in a long time... I felt safe.

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