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Madoka's P.O.V

"Oi nerd! Do my homework and be quick about it, it's due next period!" I look up at the voice, it's that mean girl again. I was sitting here happily, minding my own business and now I have to do her homework.
"I'm busy at the moment, my English assignment is due this Friday and I would like to get is finished," I reply nervously. I know for sure she won't let me go.
"Exactly! Friday! My homework is due next so just do it you bitch or I'll rip your essay up!" She says, snatching my English book from my hands. I clumsily catch her book thrown at me and rush to work. I worked hard on that paper and I'm not about to just give it up.

It only takes me about 5 minutes to complete her homework, only a few algebraic equations.
"You took too long!" Before I even get to say anything she starts ripping the pages from my book into pieces. Not just the draft for my essay, but over a whole semester's worth of work.
"B-but I..."
"But nothing! See ya loser," the girl grabs her homework that I had just finished from in front of me, and walks of to her class. Great, now I'll have to redo my entire English essay.
"Hey, are you ok?"
"Huh?" I look up to a red haired kid. Oh god no! It's Gingka!
"I saw that girl rip up your book, so are you ok?" He's so sweet! I wish he would ask me out.
"Um, yeah I'm fine. It wasn't that important anyway." I reply. I hope that sounded believable enough.
"If you say so. I'll see you around Madoka." He smiles and walks off. Holy shizballs he knows my name!
The bell for class goes and I head off too.

I make my way over to the tree where I sit at lunch, Hikaru and Nile already sitting under it talking.
"Guys! You'll never believe what happened to me!" I shout in excitement.
"You lost your v-card?"
"No, Nile... why would you even think of that?"
"I don't know..." he mumbles taking a bite out of his wrap. He's such a cutie, I don't know how anyone can be mean to him. Just then Tsubasa and Demure arrived.
"Anyway... Gingka actually talked to me! He asked me if I was alright, and he knew my name!!!" This is big news considering everyone basically hates us.
"That's great Madoka, I'm happy for you." Demure smiles a small smile. He's cute too, like a little sheep.
"Why did he want to know if you were ok?" Goddammit Tsubasa, you just had to of noticed that.
"Well, um... you see..."
"It was that bitch again wasn't it?" Bingo. Hikaru always knows what's going on.
"Yeah. She said if I didn't do her homework she would rip up my English essay. Apparently I took too long and she ripped up my entire English book, including my essay." I explain, "on the bright side though, she didn't hit me."
"Why don't you just beat her up for being a bitch?" Nile suggests.
"Why don't you beat up Rago for being an ass?" Hikaru fires back.
"Have you seen the size of him? He's fucking enormous. I'm only little ya know!"
"Well maybe you shouldn't tell Madoka that she should beat up this girl!"
"Maybe you should stop being a bitch!"
"Maybe you should stop being a little cunt!"
"I'll rip your fucking uterus out through your mouth!"
"I'll rip your balls out through your ass!"
"Fucking fight me!"
"Come on then you little shit!" Hikaru and Nile argue back and forth. Here we go again.

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