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As you adjust to your surroundings, Anri leaves once giving you a few more bits of information. You still couldn't comprehend the thought of being in the same room as the best striker in the entire world. Let alone have the privilege to possibly play along side him. Being in the presence of Europe's big five leagues was as never wracking as it sounded.

Isagi was going to freak out.

Then the thought came to mind. Himself and the others were to be given the luxury of choice. He might not even end up choosing Bastard München. However, you shrug off the thought, being convinced by the idea that he'd most likely choose this team, considering his obsession with the striker, Noel Noa.

While holding the kit in your arms, you notice the tall, white haired captain sizing you up in an analytic manner. Most likely judging your skill based off of what he could see. His stoic demeanour was intimidating to say the least.

You subtly take a deep breath and extend your hand out to him with a nervous smile, trying to seem as professional as possible. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n." You speak cautiously. Although, switching from Japanese to English so suddenly had you paranoid about messing up your introduction.

He unfolds his arms, stretching and arm out as he shook your hand. Which compared to yours, his grip was firm and rough. Noel's indifferent expression failed to falter in the slightest as he kept his eyes on you. "Likewise." He nodded, pulling away his hand.

He turned around and began walking, as if expecting you to follow him; you took it as a que and caught up to him, walking a step behind him as he spoke.

"In a few hours all the players here, and the amateurs who choose this stratum, including you, will take part in an agility test. Just get to the goal, will you?" He plainly explains, and you understandingly nod in response.

You both stopped in front of the rest of the team, noticing they already had their eyes on you. Almost all of them had caught your eye as notable members. Menser, Birkenstock, Grim, etc. And of course one of the most talented duos currently in the football scene. Michael Kaiser and Alexis Ness.

Upon approaching them, you were sent a few nods and smiles as greetings, which you returned.

"Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass du so schön sein würdest." You heard a smooth voice speak from beside you. The blonde approached you with a pleased look on his face, gently grabbing your hand.

You raise a confused eyebrow, trying to make out what he said until he places a soft kiss on the back of you hand. All you do is blink at him in shock, not sure what to make of the situation. This wasn't how you expected your first interaction with him to go.

He gives you a chivalrous smile, letting go.
"Stop fooling around, Kaiser." Noa's familiar voice echoes behind you, and you notice him send a stern glare towards Kaiser. You nervously chuckle, watching as he rolls his eyes in response. "Ja, ja."

Momentarily, Ness had joined the three of you. You noticed his charming smile, framed by his brown and magenta hair. "Y/n is it? I watched you in the National qualifiers." He chimed in, his voice being laced with a thick German accent. It was attractive nonetheless.

"Yeah, that's me." You smiled before your attention averted to a voice heard over the comms in the room. Your conversation was interrupted as Ego's voice echoed through the large hall, asking for your presence. "Introductions over yet? L/n Y/n, report to the office." He said with a rather bored sigh.

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