The Kids in the Class

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          There are these girls in my class who think almost anything is funny one is medium height I think 5'4 and the other is short 5'1 maybe 5'2. They both are inseparable can't find them alone. They are both always together they call themself cousins which they are not it's just another way of saying best friends to them. I love it when they say weird funny things in class. They always talk about their relationships the short one said the other day that she wishes her ex would get a girlfriend so that she could have him cheat on her just for her. They're weird I just don't understand their friendship except if they need each other there right there. I just knew that's how a relationship with your friends is supposed to be.

           I am quiet in some of my classes it's not the kids and I'm not going through things at all. I just think it is easier to be quiet so I can observe the other kids better. I'm able to listen in to conversations nobody would know I've listened to. I know that the girl in my school just had a birthday party for her daughter I also know that one of the guys in my class his girlfriend is cheating on him with his sister's best friend.

           I know that some kids in my first period can't go a day without a piece of gum in the morning and a Gatorade. That's why it's better to be quiet and observe the class while you are in it. It's great when you are loud and all out there having fun with friends because you always have a smile on your face. I'd rather be by myself doing my stories and observing the kids around me. My history class is so crazy we have these two kids who are always late to class. When they arrive, they always have Hardey's with them probably because it's right across the street from the school lol.

                        Why does it have to be the kids that cheat their way through school who make the most perfect grade, but if you try your hardest on things you end up failing? There was this time in my writing class when I wrote my entire essay about teen gang members, and it was amazing and sounded so good. I guess my teacher didn't like my essay because my friend did the same essay and guess what my paper got 60% and she got a 95%. We both used almost the same research almost the same essays just a tiny bit reworded. 

The Inspiration to the Brain By: Bre_200707Where stories live. Discover now