The fun and exciting History Teacher

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        My history & us constit teacher makes she treats us like a teenager. Always trying to keep up with teen drama and all our football games and basketball games at school making great friends with the kids and remembering the siblings she has taught to the kids in her classes. She lets us have little brain breaks in the middle of our classes. We do these worksheets where we just fill in the blanks that go with the presentations of the work, she teaches us for the day it's just easier for us that way.

              It's kind of fun in her class because she makes the history from back then around the 1800s and older relate to what we are going through in the real world today as kids and as people. She does this so we can make sure we don't make the same mistakes in the future. It's a great way to let us know what's wrong and what's right in the world today and in the past.

                We remember so much at the end of class she would ask us all a question in hopes we all give the same answers, and we mostly do. My history teacher has us do these practice tests and stuff before we do our tests so we can get extra practice it's great so then I can remember some of it for the test. I always make a 70 or above on a test for her. We learned that the pictures you see on the internet with fat people in them with history quotes, yet she told us they are usually fat because there wealthy. The fat part comes from being able to buy food since there wealthy there able to afford more than normal people. It's super fun in her class she has this candy bin in her room she lets us get one piece a day from it.

          She's so helpful to the girl in that class who has a kid she lets her have an extra few days to turn her stuff in since she doesn't come to school every day because of her kid. She has us do these current events we have to have at least 5 of them by the end of the nine weeks when report cards or interim reports come out.

             Her work can be easy if you do it except when the district gives her work to give us then it gets hard to do. Our class competes against another school history class in grades at the end of the second semester we will take eocs which are a bunch of tests we have to take for history, creative writing, and algebra. So, we as students must get good scores on the tests to prove to the schools that we learned stuff in our classes. It's interesting to learn that just one person can ruin half the world in the smallest ways.

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