The Inspiring Creative Writing Teacher

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           There is also this one teacher in my school who always tries to teach us in a way where she makes class interesting, she interacts with the students and never excludes a single kid even her quiet students in class she picks on and I'm one of those kids. I used to just sit there copy the board when needed and just listen to her without answering things, but after she started randomly calling on me, I started talking more in her class and giving my opinion on stuff. She's the kind of teacher where you don't have to raise your hand to speak but that's almost all my classes. 

           With this teacher's class, she makes sure people can be heard through their opinions on the topic. There was a time when I knew I was going to be wrong on the topic of thesis statements in essays and I stated my opinion. My teacher told me I did a great job gave me some pointer tips and reminded me of a big part about the topic. It's great to have teachers like that so you can learn topics better in class. I've learned so much while being in this school. She is my inspiration to write I've been writing before her class, but I think she sparked something in me that just screams wow that's me writing this. I never knew I could write like that.

         It's truly inspiring to have teachers who interact with students and make sure that everyone is included, regardless of their personalities or preferences. It's great to know that these teachers encourage students to speak their minds and express their opinions freely without any fear of being judged.

          It's always a good sign when a teacher fosters an environment where students can learn from their mistakes and grow as individuals. To have a teacher like my creative writing teacher to be my inspiration to write and help me discover my writing potential in life. Teachers and students can be a great inspiration to the world.

           It's so crazy what one teacher really can do for you. One day you could be this quiet little girl in the back of the class the next day a talkative engaging student in the front of the class having fun exploring things that you love and are great at. You don't know you are good at something if you don't try your best.

          I learned I'm good at writing stories, quotes, and poems all because my creative writing teacher showed and taught me that I could. I've been writing little stories here and there about make-believe kids and all that but not as good as I ever wanted to. I realized after taking her class I got better at writing my stories and better at my poems. I realized I don't have to rhyme every time I write a poem. 

          It's great that I found something I'm passionate about other than nails we all know I love doing nails and wearing nails. I've been dreaming of being a nail artist since 9th grade. It's always been hard to be what I want to be that's why I'm going to try and be the best self I can be in this world and show this world what I was created for.

           Let people know what I'm made of and what I'm great at. I'll show the world my greatness and I'll express myself through the art of my writing and poems. I'll show the world I'm more than just a small-town girl with a few friends who escaped from her home state to try something new in her life.

The Inspiration to the Brain By: Bre_200707Where stories live. Discover now