The great part about Inspiration

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             I'm just saying one teacher can inspire you in so many ways. I've been through so many teachers in my life it's hard to keep track of them all. I remember my first-grade teacher. She was a little mean, but I think it was on purpose. She was mean so we kids would learn respect and discipline. Around this time when I was diagnosed with ADHD it was a tough time for me. I was always in and out of trouble and couldn't stay still in class.

           I remember one time my teacher had to move my desk out of the classroom because I wouldn't be quiet and would touch other students. I wasn't allowed to have scissors unless I needed them because I once cut a piece of my hair in class. I got kicked off the school bus in third grade for standing up and screaming across the bus. I remember my third-grade teacher. He was great at teaching math I know how to count my numbers with dots like the number 8 put a dot on all the corners circle each dot then count it you get 8 right yeah, he taught us that and that's how I got good at adding.

             I've had an IEP since I've been in school it just means I need a little more help in my classes. For example, I'm terrible at math, studying, and doing tests in a classroom without help. So, I got to an extra class during the day called academic support or resource depending on how much help the school thinks I need.

         So academic support there supposed to teach me math, reading, and more so I'm ready for class. Although with resources I could go to that class for help on a test and to get my extra work or homework done. It's just another way for me to get the academic help I need when I can't do it on my own.

           Like you get training at a job before you start because you know you not going to know how to do everything once you first start the job. I love that my creative writing teacher is aware of this and lets me take my tests with my resource teacher. He helps me and 4 other kids in my creative writing class with our tests and essays. It's just easier for us and we always end up getting good grades when he helps us out from time to time.

           So what I saying is that school can be the biggest inspiration in the world and you would never know unless you looked at the world like I do. Have a different view of the world. Once you get pushed out of your comfort zones once your boundaries are broken you end up learning and being inspired to do things you never thought you would do in your life. Just find that person that will push you to your hardest.'

The Inspiration to the Brain By: Bre_200707Where stories live. Discover now