First impressions! Part •1

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The winds cold breeze hit you in the face as you ran.

You ran, and ran, and ran.

From what?


You and Dream were fighting, and then he - out of nowhere, might you add, - pulled you his axe and chopped some of your arm. So now, here you are, running from an axe carrying Dream who looks like hes ready to kill you.

The only reason you were still running, is because you were purely running off of adrenaline.

-Your arm was slashed, as mentioned earlier.
-You once fell while being chased, falling the wrong way, causing your ankle to twist.
-When you fell, Dream caught up to you, and since he was carrying a torch to see, he pressed it up against multiple spots on your body before you managed to put it out and and run.
-You had a gash in your side and an arrow in your thigh from when Dream threw an arrow at you. - well, two arrows. -
-You have scratches from arrows on your legs
-And last but not least, you have arrows constantly being whisped past your head, arms and legs.

Yeah, you honestly dont know how your still alive. And you really wish you weren't.

But, what makes it semi-worse is that your in the snow now.

Wait, doesn't that tree look familiar?


Welp, atleast someone can help you now.

You keep running, the only difference is this time, you know where your going.


Your older brothers Technoblade's house! Amazing, right?

He totally wont go hunt down Dream for even thinking of hurting you, right?


Anywho, your around 2 minutes away, although your not sure you can last that long. Sure, 2 minutes isn't that long, bit you remember that adrenaline I mentioned earlier? Yeah, that's running out. But,

In a blink, - that you dont remember taking - your there! Your about to go bang on the door before you duck and nearly fall, hearing an arrow whip past you, where your skull was. You cringe thinking about it, if it went through your brain that is.

But that doesnt matter, you regain your balance, running up the steps and banging on the door. "Coming! Coming, jeez. Chill out."

You cant help yourself from yelling out, when you see Dream start to catch up to you.



The door flings open just as Dream reaches out to you. Once inside, you instantly close and lock the door, before he can get up again.

"Y/N? What're you doing he-"

He stares at you in shock.


That caused the attention of everyone else in the house.

"Oh my gosh- mate, what happend?"

Asks your father as he rushes you to the couch.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Techno and Wilbur looking like their about to murder whoever touched you.

"Techno, go get some blankets. Wil, go get the med kit, please mate. And Tommy, can you go get out some ingredients for soup?"

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