Cherished Memories

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(Name) gazes from her sickbed as Captain Levi tends to her wounds. He is so gentle as he soothes her pain and calms her fears.

All his heroic tales and valiant deeds she so admires. Her heart beats faster as he speaks with his voice so kind. She sees something bright and new in every look he meets her eyes.

(Name) can't help but fall in love with the one who heals her heart. She remembers every moment, even the smallest, of him nursing her back to health.

(Name) cherishes the moments while he patiently and gently trains her to become a strong soldier. Even when she makes many mistakes, he never yells or badmouthes her.

It's unusual to see Levi not yell or be cold towards his subordinates or other people, but he still manages to be gentle and soft towards (Name).

(Name) will never forget those days when Levi tended to her, doting upon her and caring for her during her sickness.

(Name)'s heart fluttered as he cleaned up for her and made sweet treats for her enjoyment. And, despite it all, (Name) never believed that Levi had feelings for her.

These memories have left an indelible mark on (Name)'s mind and heart, setting in stone exactly how she feels about the handsome captain.

That gentle forehead kiss she felt, she thought to be a dream, given how sick she felt at the time.

Little did she know that it was very real, and would ignite a fire inside her that burns for Levi even now.

(Name) fondly recalls the time Levi got drunk and needed her to take care of him.

Levi was clinging to (Name), not wanting to let go, and (Name) felt so special as she took care of him. Levi was even more clingy with her than usual, despite being drunk.

(Name) suggested to Levi that he should go to bed since he was drunk, but Levi won't let go and clings to her like a panda. Levi was insistent, and no matter what (Name) says, he refused to let her go.

(Name) smiled and embraces Levi, and told him, "Captain, you're drunk. You should sleep."

Levi growls playfully, but his actions are soft and tender. He won't let (Name) go, and instead pulls her towards him.

(Name) thought that it was cute, but also felt a certain warmth deep within as she witnessed Levi rely on her.

It was like Levi felt safe and secure with her, and his true colors showed through in clingy actions. (Name) cherishes this memory deeply.

"What if there is feelings?" Levi says, looking deeply into her eyes. "What would you do, with these two hands that hold yours now?"

He lets his hand linger on her soft and delicate skin, feeling her heart beat. Then Levi takes a deep breath, and adds, "I would love... with all my heart... to know."

Levi stares deeply into (Name)'s eyes, his heart beating and his lips parted as he waits for her answer.

(Name) takes one step forward, no longer willing to hide her feelings. She boldly asks, "Stop me if I'm wrong about your feelings," and then goes in for the kiss.

Levi is taken by surprise, but he is struck by her confidence, bravery, and charm. He can't help but reciprocate her kiss. Their lips meet, their hearts beat together, and for a moment time stands still as they experience the joy and euphoria of their newfound love.

This is the moment they have been waiting for, and Levi is filled with gratitude towards (Name) for giving him this chance.

(Name)'s heart was beating like crazy, filled with love and joy. She turned to Levi, gazing deep into his eyes with a smile on her face.

Levi, still stunned by (Name)'s bold kiss, doesn't know what to say. Reader asks, "Captain, how?" She looks at him, waiting for an answer.

Levi is at a loss for words, for he can't describe the love he feels for her. He just stares back at (Name), unable to find the right words. (Name) smiles back at him, and Levi's heart melts.

Levi thinks for a moment, but he doesn't need to. He knows his heart, and he understands his feelings for (Name).

Levi finally finds his voice and answers, "How can I not love you?" (Name)'s eyes widen in surprise, and Levi continues,

"From the first moment we met, you have been the light in my life. You always pushed me, always believed in me, and you always helped me to improve. To be with you is the greatest joy I have ever felt."

(Name) is full of questions, wanting to know every detail from Levi. So, she asks him, "Why are you so soft and gentle with me, and why do you treat me so differently?"

Levi is caught off guard by the question, but he can't help but think the answer is obvious. Levi responds to (Name),

"I feel comfortable with you. I don't need to put up my usual tough facade, I can just be my truest and more vulnerable self around you. You bring out the soft side of me, and I love you for it."

(Name) was deeply touched by Levi's answer. She felt her heart fluttering gently as she took in Levi's words. This was such an important moment for (Name), hearing Levi's feelings for her.

(Name)'s heart swelled with joy, and she suddenly felt vulnerable before Levi. She knew Levi could see everything inside of her, and that he accepted her as she was.

(Name) couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and security when Levi was around. (Name) now felt closer to Levi than ever before, and she held his hand tightly, wanting this moment to never end.

(Name) leans on Levi's shoulder, and they both gaze at the moon sparkling brightly in the night sky.

(Name) looks over at Levi with a smile, her heart filled with joy and warmth.

They are both mesmerized by the full moon, but even more by their new relationship. (Name) holds on to Levi's hand, hoping this night will never end.

As they both gaze up at the moon, (Name)'s heart fills with a sense of peace and happiness; nothing could be more perfect than right here, right now.

Levi stares at her once more and murmurs softly, "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

Under the Moon (Levi Ackerman x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now