Squad Levi vs Female Titan

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[A/N]: Before continuing this chapter, I'm gonna give you a small fact.

So (Name) has three ways to call Levi:
Captain: When she's around with other Scouts or just a professional way to call him.

Levi: More casual way.

Love/my love: Their endearment to each other.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


The Scout Regiment prepared for their final and most dangerous mission yet. They had been through a lot together, and they were determined to come out the other side triumphantly.

Their faces were grim and their bodies tense, as they knew that failure was not an option. They had to win, and they were willing to give everything they had to make it happen.

The future was in their hands, and they knew they could not afford to fail.

(Name)'s anxiety was rising like a sharp pain in the pit of her stomach.

She didn't know what it was, but she had a feeling that something was wrong, that this mission would be different from the rest.

(Name) felt her stomach tighten as the tension in the room grew thicker and thicker.

Levi turned to (Name), noticing that her anxiety was rising. He looked at her with concern and asked,

"Are you okay?" (Name) looked at Levi with a mixed sense of anxiety and determination.

She didn't know what to say and she had not expected Levi to ask her about her anxiety.

Levi was concerned, and it helped to ease some of (Name)'s anxiety as well.

"No, Captain" (Name) answered honestly, "I'm not okay."

Levi raised his eyebrows, and he was filled with concern and love for (Name).

"My gut is telling me something is going to go wrong." Levi's face was filled with concern.

He put his hand on (Name)'s shoulder and asked her to elaborate on her gut feeling.

(Name) took a deep breath and said, "I feel like it's a bad idea, like something awful is about to happen."

Levi nodded and pulled (Name) close to him, trying to relieve her anxiety and calm her down.

"Everything is going to be okay, my love" Levi said, trying to reassure (Name).

"You're a strong soldier, and I know you'll do great out there. You've got me, and you've got the entire Scout Regiment and Squad Levi to back you up. Just trust in your instincts and believe in yourself. I know you can do it."

(Name) looked at Levi, her heart racing with anxiety but her confidence in Levi's words helped alleviate some of that anxiety. 

"I love you," he leaned down and gave (Reader) a soft and gentle kiss on the forehead, his lips on her skin for a moment, making Reader's heart race.

Levi didn't care that the other Scouts witnessed him being sweet and tender with (Name). All he cared about was helping (Name) to feel safe and calm, and right now, that meant doing whatever he could to reassure her.

He didn't care what anyone else thought, he just wanted (Name) to be okay. Levi gave (Name) a forehead kiss again, and this time, he held it for a bit longer, making (Name)'s heart flutter with joy.

"Did you see how gentle captain Levi is with (Name)?" Petra asked, "He's always so cold and strict with us, but for (Name), he's like...a sweet puppy." Eld nodded in agreement, as if they could not believe their own eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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