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Almost a month passed. We are now very good friends.

Again I am heading towards the bus hoping It'll be fun in bus with my friends and ofcourse with Kevin. I don't have any bad thoughts about him. I just think him as my friend and I know he don't have any other intentions about me. As I entered the bus everyone was having fun but Kevin was sitting on the last seat all alone with red eyes full of rage. It looks like if someone talked to him he would kill that person on the moment.

Everyone tried asking him what happened to him but he just nodes head indicating it's nothing. Till half of the way I was worried about him as I have never seen him before like this. I went to him and I asked him what happened. He looks up to me with those red eyes but said nothing.

Maybe he didn't want to share with anyone about his problem. So I didn't forced him but I tried to comfort him and to make sure he is fine. I just told him to be okay and asked him if I can help or something but he was so busy in some of his thoughts. I tried my best to talk to him but when I look into his eyes they were full of tears. Just like anytime he is gonna burst out with anger and will start crying. His stop came.

He went to his home and my home was just 5 minutes away from his home in bus and 10 to 15 minutes by walking.

It's been 6pm. Should I text him about what happened. I think I should because for me He is my friend. I can't see my friend like this so I texted him.

"Hey Kevin are you okay now?" I asked.
"Yes I am don't worry about me. There is nothing wrong with me. Iam all okay." He replied.
" You were so sad in the bus. Is something wrong?" I asked again.
"Nothing I was just thinking about my past" he replied.

Past? Is he talking about his ex girlfriend or something else I don't know.

"What past?"I asked.
"You don't have to worry about it. Just leave it and let it go" he said.

Maybe he is not comfortable in telling me about his past. I can't force him.

"Okay. As your wish." I said.

The very next day I entered the bus and what I saw was unbelievable. He was all fine and was having fun. Huh? I was happy seeing him like this but little bit surprised too. Let it be. Maybe he had sort it out with his ex girlfriend.

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