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I woke with sound of vibrating phone. Without checking time I picked up the call and Camilla shouted from the other side of the phone as if aliens invaded earth.

"Why the hell are you shouting little bitch?"
"It's 8:00 am. Wake up Ana!!"

"Oh shit! No you must be kidding me. I can't afford to be late again. Noooo!!"

"No I am fuckin not. Take your fuckin ass to the bathroom and get ready. I have been waiting for you since 7:00. You understand lazy bitch."

I again missed my bus. But now it's normal so take a chill pill. I had my breakfast and went to the school being late and yeah obviously my very favourite teacher grabbed my ass and kicked me out of the fuckin class in front of 55 students present over there and laughing like hell including my moron friends.

I don't care about this anymore as I don't have fuckin reputation anymore in my section and all my classmates are my friends excluding those group of gossiping girls.

Finally that bitch let me in.
"Huh? No apologies at all?" She taunted

I went to my seat with Mikasa pierce ignoring her painful high pitched voice.

During lunch break as me, Camilla,Mikasa, scarlet, torren and James were peacefully enjoying lunch Kevin flashed out of nowhere even though knowing our class teacher won't let childern of any other section inside our classroom.

My stupid mind thinking he risked all of it for me not knowing his friends are everywhere and his 1 homie is in my section sitting just behind me with scarlet in normal days as our teacher asked them to do. They both went away and he ignored me like I don't even exist in his world. Again my eyes were trying to interact with him but his were not.

As I was constantly looking at him. The way I was looking was not normal and Camilla noticed it.  How could I forget I was with Camilla my best friend.  She asked me about him and I could not lie and I told her everything about my feelings that I just think him as a friend nothing else and I never will. He is just my normal good friend like others. But I think there is something about him that made him different from other at some point. Iam sure he don't have any such thoughts about me.

"You think of him only as a friend right?" Camilla asked.
"Yes whenever I think of him I think him as friend but the number of times I think about him in a day is not healthy."

"Maybe my intentions are pure but the thoughts that come to my mind are not."

"When you just think him as friend then that's not a big deal. It's gonna be okay. It's human nature when you start talking to someone new their thoughts may arise in your mind constantly." She said.

"Yea and if the person is like him then there are more chances." I replied.

"C'mon life is so short to think about boys and our lunch break is even shorter. Let's go to ground and have some fun." She said

Then me,Camilla,Mikasa and scarlet went to ground like always. It's in our daily schedule. I can miss my school bus but I can never miss going to ground during lunch break.

As we were roaming in the ground I again saw him. This time our eyes met. His brown eyes and the sunlight falling on his eyes makes them more beautiful than before.  No doubt he has the most beautiful eyes God has ever created. The eye contact we made was something more than friends. But my heart and mind still thinks of him only as a friend and he will always gonna be my friend. Nothing more than that I made myself clear with it.

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