Chapter 1 - Enlisting

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John POV 

September 14 1914

It has been 2 years since the Second Great Pokemon War started. My father, a skilled trainer, left home with his Lycanroc  to enlist in the Galorian Army and fight in Kalos against the Johtonese. A few months ago, we found out that he died in the battle of Shalour City, but his Lycanroc  went M.I.A (missing in action). We were shocked and also sad. My mother hasn't moved on from his death. Every morning since then, she cries in their bedroom, holding a picture of him and laying on the bed. I wanted to enlist and fight as well, but I can't for 2 reasons.

First off, I'm only 16 years old, so I can't enlist because of my age. And second, my mother wouldn't let me go enlist anyway, because she fears that I will be killed like my father. So it's impossible for me to join.

???: "John! Can you come over here please!"

John: "I'll be there in a second mom!"

I close my journal and place it on my table. I then head downstairs to the kitchen, where my mother is waiting for me, with her Chansey washing the dishes.

John: "Need anything, mom?"

Mother: "Yes, sweetie. I need you to deliver these two boxes of biscuits to your aunt."

I nod and she then hands me the two boxes of biscuit.

John: "Will do, mother!"

She smiles and nods.

Mother: "Good, and make sure to bring Sparkz with you. He wants to go outside."

John: "Sure thing, mom. Hey Sparkz!"

I whistle and our Yamper named Sparkz starts running to here from the living room. He wags his tail and barks playfully. I chuckle and pet him.

John: "Alright, let's go buddy. I'll see you later, mom!"

Mother: "Take care, sweetie!"

She and Chansey waves. I then head outside, get on my bike, and head to Wedgehurst with Sparkz following me.

(A/N: The locations are a bit different from the games, Wedgehurst is a bit farther from Postwick, and Postwick has multiple houses instead of only 2)

After 15 minutes, we arrived at Wedgehurst and we see a crowd cheering which got me and Sparkz curious. So we head there to see what's up. When we head there, we see Galorian soldiers and their pokemon marching down the street, girls handing them flowers and everyone else wishing good luck. 

I wish I was one of them...

Time skip 

After watching the march, we head to my aunt's house, when we get there. I knocked on the door and my aunt opens it.

John: "Good afternoon Aunt Jane!"

Aunt Jane: "Oh good afternoon John, and hello there Sparkz!"

She says while kneeling down to pet Sparkz which caused him to bark playfully. She stands back up and dust herself off.

Aunt Jane: "So, what brings you here, John?"

John: "I came to deliver the biscuits my mom made. Here you go, Aunt Jane."

I hand her the 2 boxes. She smiles and takes it.

Aunt Jane: "Ah, thank you. These are my favorite... Oh, how about you come in for some tea while Sparkz plays with Meowth in the backyard?"

John: "Oh sure. You okay with that, Sparkz?"

Sparkz the Yamper barks in agreement and heads to the backyard to go play with Meowth, while I head inside.

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