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It was a rough operation. The scouts lossed majority of its veteran contingent. Y/n had been getting treated for his injuries. Sasha was correct. Y/n did have a pretty bad concussion.

Other things have also been discovered. Apparently, the titans that they fought were human once. They come from ragako Village. Connie's home.


Journal Entry:
For the past few weeks, we've been staying in a small stuffy cabin. Apparently, the government still wants eren. So we have to stay somewhere hidden. I'm not at all a fan of it. But I haven't really been a fan of everything these days. I'm not sure why I expect to be impressed anymore.

As he stuffed his journal into his jacket pocket, a voice was heard behind him.

Levi: You've been out here awhile. One could assume that you're hiding to avoid work.

Y/n: Sorry, captian. I just needed some air, is all.

Levi only responded with a hum.

Levi: How's your head?

Y/n: It's been better. Headaches are less frequent.

Levi leaned against a small tree while y/n sat on the grass.

Levi: Good. I've read a bit of your file. You're isle langnar's younger brother. She served in the scouts for a while. Before she...

Levi wouldn't finish the sentence.

Y/n: Yeah...

Levi: I was on the operation that found her. I've never actually met so... there's nothing I can really say to make you feel better.

Y/n: It's alright.

Levi: I've also read a bit more into your file. You're flaged for a suicide watch.

Y/n's entire body tensed up as his palms became sweaty.

Levi: Appearently, you put a gun to your head. That's true, isn't it?

Y/n hung his head low.

Y/n: Yeah...

Levi: Cowardly.

The boy looked up at him, shocked.

Levi: You joined the scouts to avenge your sister, right? And your parents too, correct? How would killing yourself help you achieve any of that? It's stupid. If you really want vengeance, you need to be alive. Especially if you're gonna be a scout. We've got no use for a corpse.

There was a brief uncomfortable silence between them.

Levi: I've also heard of your mindless initiative. You almost seem like Yeager. But anyway, I lost my whole squad. So there are positions open. I'm making you my second.

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