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The next day, just before sunset, the entire scout regiment gathered atop the wall.

Flegel: HEY!!

Flegel yelled up to them from below.

Flegel: HANGE!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

Hange: Flegel?

The crowd below cheered for them. They crowded the streets.

Citizen: Go out there and take back wall maria for us!

Citizen: The future of mankind is up to you!

Citizen: Captain levi! Good luck out there! Thanks for saving our city!

The citizens continued their cheering and praise. Levi looked off the edge in confusion.

Levi: Someone's got a big mouth.

Hange: That celebration did get a little rowdy.

Harold: Actually, we ordered all of that meat from the reeves company, so...

Dirk: Flegel...

Jean+sasha+connie: Yeah! You can count on us!!!!

The three obnoxiously shouted.

Clark: I wonder how long it's been since the scouts got a send-off like this.

Dirk: I don't know. I'm not sure if we ever have.

Erwin: Well, as far as I'm aware, at least. This is a first.

Erwin then shined a smile before raising his fist into the air and letting out a thunderous warcy.


The crowd below went crazy. Everyone atop the wall looked at Erwin with shock. The commander then pointed his sword towards titan territory.

Erwin: The operation to retake wall maria begins now!!!

They mounted their horses and took off in perfect formation. The countless horse hooves pounding the ground caused it to rumble.


A few hours passed, and it was now midnight. The scouts cut through a forest that was so dark you could only see a few feet in front.

A poor soldier stumbled and dropped his lantern, startling his horse.

Levi: Slow down. Make sure you can see the ground.

Soldier: Right, sorry, sir.

Levi: Will we get there soon?

Dirk used his light to illuminate his map.

Dirk: it's just about dawn. Well, once we get over this mountain, shiganshina should be close by.

Y/n could feel the hot breath of his horse on the back of his head. He shifted to the side to get out of the way.

Levi: Is the mission giving you a struggle, Sargeant?

Y/n: Yes, Sir. The smell of horse breath is unbearable. I think this calls for a full retreat.

Levi: You won't get away that easily.

Y/n: I certainly try my best.

All he could hear was the sound of their lanterns clinking. The horse hooves clicking as they hit the ground. And the occasional twig snap. They were in Titan territory. So they could be anywhere. But luckily for them, it's nighttime. And titans are inactive at night. That's why they chose to leave so late.

Jean: Titan on the left! Everyone halt! Light up the area!

Everyone shifted their lights to see a medium-sized titan sitting against a small stone ridge.

 The Book Of A Scout Where stories live. Discover now