Chapter 4

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Coriolanus stuffed two biscuits into his pocket, and then grabbed a sandwich. Before he found a seat, he noticed some candy toward the side of the sandwiches, and grabbed himself a piece of chocolate. He sat down at a two person table, and proceeded to eat in silence. He watched as the other graduates and students ate in groups of up to eight, which was the maximum a table would allow. He wondered how it came no naturally to the others. It was as if they were born knowing how to socialize.

Sejanus stopped in for a moment to chat, but soon Coryo continued to eat alone until he was done. Tossing out his napkin, he left the Academy, heading toward the, well the only word to describe it was, 'zoo', that his tribute was stuck in. He spotted Evelina almost immediately. She was comforting a small girl who was trembling under her touch. Evelina's slim fingers ran through the girl's matted hair, trying to soothe her in anyway she could. People from the Capitol were gathered around the cage, watching and chatting about the humans who had been stripped from their homes. Coriolanus strode up to the metal bars.

"Evelina," he whispered. Evelina didn't look up. "Psst- Evelina!" He hissed again.

Finally, the woman lifted her gaze. Her eyebrows were knitted together in worry, small lines forming on her face. It seemed like she had already aged over night. Coryo mentally slapped himself. The tributes were forced to sleep outside in the cold, it was no wonder she looked tired.

She got up, letting the girl lie down on a rock, and ran over to her mentor.

"Snow," she breathed, gripping the sides of the bars.

"Here," said he, pulling out a biscuit from his pocket. "It's all I could grab without suspicion, sorry."

She smiled, grabbing the biscuit through the barrier. Their fingers brushed, and as she stepped back she could feel a blush creeping its way onto her cheeks. "Thank you."

"It's not much."

"It's enough," she replied, devouring the food in four bites.

"Nothing I could give you would ever be enough. I didn't know they were putting you in this..." he paused.

"Zoo," Evelina answered, a grimace plastered on her dirty, once tan complexion. "It's a human zoo. Or the Captiol Zoo, as Lucky calls it."

Lucky Flickerman, the first host of the Hunger Games had been trying to speak to the tributes all day, but no one really seemed in the mood to talk. No one could blame them.

Coryo nodded. "I don't know how to help."

She furrowed her brows. "Teach me," she said. "Mentor me. Believe in me!"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before speaking. "They should be letting you out later today."

"I'll be okay," she assured.

Suddenly, she beckoned for him to move closer. Reluctantly, he leaned in, and the girl traced her finger across the bottom of his lip. Coryo flinched, but didn't move away. Something warm collected in his stomach.

"Chocolate," he said.

"My favorite," she whispered.

The two stared at each other for a moment, their eyes tracing the features of their faces. For a moment, it seemed as if they were a couple; two people who shared their secrets and trusts with one another. Then, a small bird landed by their feet. The girl laughed.

Coryo looked down, puzzled. "What's so funny?"

"It's a mockingjay," she smiled. "I didn't know you had them in the Captiol."

"We don't," he said. Coryo didn't understand what was so significant about a tiny bird.

"i'd never tell
no i'd never say a word"

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