Chapter 11

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Tigris jumped out of her seat. She ran to her cousin, bringing him in for a tight hug. "You won," she breathed. They laughed, but something was off with Coryo. He looked worried, like there was something troubling him. Tigris patted him on the back once. She knew where he wanted to go. He wanted to find Evelina.

The young man excused himself from the room, his eyes finding Dr. Volumnia Gaul before exiting. Her stare sent a shiver down his spine. Technically, he hadn't really cheated. Sending water wasn't against the rules, and it wasn't like he was intending to hurt anyone. At least, that's what he'll tell them. They would believe it. Right?


Evelina sat, defeated. She had won, but she didn't feel like a winner. She supposed that this were the life of a victor; never feeling triumphant. Now she knew, and she wished she were dead.

She couldn't even cry anymore, for she was so exhausted. She lifted herself off the ground and found her locket lying next to Coral's decaying body. Her breath hitched in her throat. She was surrounded by the deceased. The sick feeling crept it's way back into her throat, her stomach turning with it. Then, she doubled over in pain, hurling up whatever it was she had eaten prior. The dark colors from the berries were visible in the vomit. She wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve.

She didn't even react when Peacekeepers came to take her away. She did not care anymore. She just wanted to see Coryo and go home.

Four Peacekeepers carried her out on a stretcher. She hadn't realized how badly she was hurt until now. And everything hurt. Her head was bleeding and she felt as if she would pass out. There was a deep gash in her left arm, probably from Coral. Or maybe it's after falling out of all the trees she climbed. She never claimed to be a climber. She assumed her right ankle was sprained, or broken after tripping against the roots. There were other cuts, some deeper than others, placed all around her body, and bruises the color of eggplants or the skin of a plum resided on her legs.

She could still feel the baby's breath sitting in her pocket. How did it survive? She smiled. It survived with her.

As Evelina was thrown into the back of a large, gray truck, she felt herself growing more and more tired. I've won, she thought, now I can sleep. She drifts off in the car, the sounds of the Capitol people's cheers outside, and the rocking of the vehicle soothing her into a deep sleep.

When she awoke she was in a hospital, an oxygen mask placed over her mouth. Gaining consciousness, she was immediately faced with the blue iciness of Snow's eyes she had grown to love. She ripped the mask off of her face. Cold air almost took the breath out of her, but the reassuring hands of Coryo on her shoulders brought her back.

"Evelina," he started. His expression softened. "You're safe. You're out."

She looked around the 'hospital'. They seemed to be underground somewhere. There were televisions across every bed, probably for viewing of the games or any other Capitol announcements. Evelina realized it was all entertainment to these people, nothing more. "Coryo," she wheezed. Her throat burned. Dehydration had finally gotten to her.

"Here." Coriolanus reached over her to grab a glass of water on the nightstand. He held it up to her cracked lips, watching her gulp down the fluid. He supported the back of her neck with one hand, the other pouring the liquid down her throat until it was all gone. "You're on an IV too, be careful."

She cleared her throat. "Thanks." Coryo nodded and brushed the hair out of her eyes with his pointer finger. He smiled a kind, soft smile that immediately warmed Evelina.

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