Chapter 13

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"How did you get here?" Evelina gasped, gripping his shirt to stop herself from falling. They were dancing now, and both were probably too tipsy for their own good.

"Nothing a little bribery can't fix," he explained, one hand guiding hers and the other gripping her hips.

"I'm glad," said Evelina. "But what about your family? What about Tigris?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," he said.

She stopped dancing and grabbed his hand, going to drag him away. "No," he protested, pulling her back. "Let's just enjoy tonight. We can talk later."

"Okay." Something about the way he urgently held her worried her. His eyes kept shifting between her and the people surrounding them, anxiously shifting his weight from heel to heel.

"Coryo, is something-" He interrupted her, crashing his lips onto hers. Any concern she had previously melted away with the kiss, his touch sending an electric shock down her entire body. They continued kissing until the slow song turned into a jig, and they were forced to separate to make room for the dancers. They laughed, both of their faces sweaty and a deep shade of crimson. He lead her to a corner of the room dimly lit by lanterns. His eyes were settled on the singer, a young woman he had never seen before.

He noticed she looked off and grabbed her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look at him. "I'm here now."

She smiled, leaning into his touch. She leaves to grab another drink, and comes back quickly, a glass for both of them. She notices him watching the band. They were more colorful than anyone he had ever seen in District 12. "The Covey," she says, taking a sip of alcohol.


"The Covey. That's the band up there. The bubbly one with the husky voice is Lucy Gray Baird. Lucy Gray, as she's more known. They all just float about the Districts. They did, I mean," she adds that last part when he raises a brow. Evelina set her glass down and followed Coryo's gaze, admiring the band and their music.

He turned back to her. "Do you come here a lot?"

"I used to," she sighed. "Haven't since the games... Hey, have you seen Daffodil anywhere? I lost sight of her after you showed up."

He looked around the room, seeing no sign of the girl. He had her met her once, when he first got stationed in 12. He recognized her name from Evelina who used to describe all aspects of her life when they were in the Capitol. The only other ginger was a stout man in the middle of the dance floor side stepping with his even shorter wife. "No, I don't see her."

Evelina seemed to be more worried with every passing song. "I think I need to go find her." She crinkled her nose and slid out of her chair. She felt Coryo's large frame following close behind her, guiding her through the crowd.

"Maybe she went out to get some fresh air," he suggested. Evelina nodded, so they left the pub, stepping out onto the street. The cold air hit their flushed faces like a slap, sending them both slightly stumbling onto the pavement. The haziness from the drinks was starting to wear off now, but Evelina still felt dizzy. Coryo grabbing her hand certainly did not stop this feeling, but it did calm her.

"I don't see her anywhere," she huffed, running a hand over her braid to bring it around her shoulder.

"Daffodil!" Coriolanus called, dropping Evelina's hand to cup his mouth, the sound of his voice echoing off the walls of the buildings that surrounded them. He continued calling, and once he yelled so loud it vibrated off a piece of metal, the sound ringing out like a band of jabberjays. They both laughed, and Evelina wrapped her arm between his. It was colder now, and she wished she had brought a better coat. Her skirt and tights did not provide a lot of warmth.

"I don't know," she started, "maybe she went home." They continued their search until a group of Peacekeepers on duty began marching toward them. They sprinted to duck under a Peacekeeper vehicle, their backs pressed tightly against the car. Before the men had even passed, Coryo had seized hold of Evelina, leaving small kisses trailing down her cheek and neck. The stubble on his chin tickled her face. She refrained from collapsing into a fit of giggles by placing a hand over his nose and eyes, pushing him away. He opened his mouth to argue but she put a finger over his lips, hushing him. She turned her head to see the Peacekeepers had walked away. She stuffed her hands into her jacket pocket, beginning to walk again.

They strode in silence, careful to hide if there was any sign of trouble on their search. The light from the moon perfectly illuminated his blond hair, even if there was hardly any left.

"I can't believe they took your curls," she laughed. He only smiled in response, draping an arm around her shoulders. He placed a soft kiss on her head.

"Small price to pay for the Mockingjay," he whispers. And when he does things like that, make her heart soar, it's hard to feel anything but love.

But all things can fade.

They turned a street corner and stopped. There was a group of people, half with guns, and half without. The ones with were shouting something, their weapons raised at the other people. Evelina squinted, and through the dark she recognized a red head, dressed in a daffodil yellow. She took a step closer, but Coryo pulled her back.

"Rebels," he hissed. A poisonous word in the Capitol.

"Daffodil's not... she wouldn't..." Evelina mumbled, her head starting to hurt again. Before either one could say another word, a shot rang out. Coryo grabbed Evelina and placed her behind him. She felt like she was back in the Games; the claw of death haunting her once more.

There was a sound of scrambling feet before Peacekeepers came around the corner, guns blaring and all. Coryo and Evelina bolted, their boots slapping hard on the cobblestone. They ran all the way into the start of the woods. They were breathing hard, gasping even, because the air was so crisp that the oxygen they took in burned their lungs.

"Daffodil," Evelina panted. "I have to go back for her."

"No," he took hold of her arm. "You'll only get hurt."

"She could be dead!" Evelina shrieked.

He shook his head. "I'll go. They know me. I'll make sure she's okay."

Evelina mumbled an okay and a thank you before he began walking away. She turned to leave too, but he called out her name. "And... no one can know about us, you know that right? Peacekeepers especially."

"Yes," she faked a smile. "Everyone from the Hob will be quiet. Daffodil, too." She reassured him with a wave. He pursed his lips and kept walking, leaving her to head home alone. Evelina was scared to walk back by herself, especially in the dark. If something were to happen to her, she would have no one standing by to help like she did in the arena. Well, she thought, to die would not be the worse thing. But what would be the worse thing?


Coriolanus jogged back to the street that the rebels were on. There would be no indication that something bad had happened if it wasn't for the line of blood leading from the spot Daffodil was standing. Coryo felt his bones chill. Maybe she did get shot. The boy groaned, annoyed. He had lied to Evelina. She would definitely be mad at him now.

He followed the trail and found it led to a dark alleyway. Rats ran along the sides, tripping over puddles imprinted in the ground. There was no one else around, though. Exhausted, Coryo decided to head back to the bunks where the rest of the Peacekeepers would be settling in for the night.

He nestled himself into his uncomfortable bed, with the piece of thin cloth they had given him that they called a blanket. His pillow almost made a crunch! as he lay his head down. The musty smell from the sheets threatened to burn his nose hairs off. He would just have to get use to this for now. If the Capitol does what he thinks they will, then he can wait this out. He can wait, for her. For his family.

For his legacy.

"you've got my devotion
but man, i can hate you sometimes"

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