BB and Raquelle: The Truth Revealed

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Jimin and Vivian left the party as soon as they collected the documents.

To Jimin, there was no reason to stay. After Jimin spilled punch on Jin, he knew he'd get harassed the entire night. That meant Jimin had to lay low for a few days and not pull any rash moves. For now, he was in the kitchen with Raquelle. The moonlight poured in through the window and painted her skin in a soft pale glow. From his angle, she looked sick.

Jimin preferred staying in BB and Raquelle's house. As much as his dream home had comfortable furniture and great temperature control, BB and Raquelle were far more welcoming. Oh, and there were less portraits of Jin, which was always a plus.

BB was an early bird, which meant he passed out before Jimin got back from the party. Vivian went back home, so that left Jimin with Raquelle. Like him, she was a night owl, and most of that was because both of them were overthinkers. Sleeping had always been difficult for Jimin. He tossed and turned, regretting half of his life decisions.

"No offense," Jimin said as he leaned against the entrance to the kitchen. Raquelle was making a midnight snack: a grilled cheese sandwich that he was sure was too "unhealthy" to be allowed in Plastic World, yet there it was. "But you and BB seem like completely different people. You're normal, and he's..."

Without so much as glancing back at him, she stayed at her spot in front of the stove and snorted. "Eccentric? Annoying? Gives you second-hand embarrassment?"

Well, he couldn't argue with any of those three things.

"Yeah," was all Jimin could reply with.

She flipped her grilled cheese, and the sharp cheddar scent clung to the air. Smoke rose and danced around the ceiling. The sizzling was the only sound other than their whispering voices.

"You may not believe me, but when him and I are alone, he's different. Calm, collected... some might even say he acts mature."

Jimin laughed. "He giggled over my ass recoiling. You want me to believe he's mature?"

Raquelle shrugged and lifted her snack. She placed it on a white plate with a gold rim. As expected from the chef of the family, it appeared perfectly cooked. Jimin didn't realize his eyes were shaped like hearts and he was practically drooling until she chuckled and grabbed more bread and cheese.

"Here." She handed her plate to him. "I'll make another. You had a long day of dealing with Jin and his minions, you deserve a break."

"Thank you," Jimin said. He accepted the offer and took the grilled cheese. As soon as he plopped down at the kitchen table, he hesitated before digging in. "Why is he so different around Vivian and me?"

Raquelle placed butter on the bread and dropped it in the hot pan. It made a loud 'szzzz' sound.

She cleared her throat. "I know you don't like him."

Jimin almost shot up. "That's not true-"

"Don't lie to me. He's not known for being well-liked." Jimin stayed quiet, so she took it as a sign to continue. "I didn't like him either."

"Is this the part where you tell me he 'changed' and you 'fixed' him?" Jimin asked with an amused smile.

She snickered and put cheese on the bread. It looked like she was constructing a new home based on the way her fingers moved at a gentle, delicate pace.

"More like the other way around." As soon as the cheese got secured, she turned and pressed her hips against the counter. She stared at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "Everyone came here because we're fucked up."

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