Min Yoongi? More Like Mint Yoongi

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Jimin munched on his cheeseburger and tried his best not to let a burp louder than the sound barrier rip free.

It had been three days since the party, and Jimin found himself in the same diner that Jin loved to eat at. However, Jin wasn't there, and Jimin had a feeling he wouldn't be there anytime soon. Jimin had embarrassed him in his own home. If anything, Jimin would be surprised if Jin showed his face much the next few days.

Jimin knew enough about high school to recognize that Jin was planning his revenge. In Jimin's humble opinion, Jin deserved every atom of punch that got spilled on him. Jin was a bully who sprayed toxic chemicals he called perfume in other people's faces. He made them stay in homes that had a gazillion pictures of him on the walls. It was a dictatorship, and Jimin wished he could barf all over it.

"One refill on your pink lemonade," Yoongi said, interrupting Jimin's mental rant. Yoongi set the new glass down and took the empty one.

Jimin glanced up and snorted. Jin had forced Yoongi to dye his black hair a minty green. Although Jimin had already made fun of Mint Yoongi four times in the past twenty minutes, Jimin didn't think it was enough.

"You look like one of those green sour patch kids," Jimin said. He scanned Yoongi from head to toe. "Same size, too."

Yoongi almost whipped his notepad at Jimin. "We're the same size, asshole."

Jimin cackled. "Okay, Mint Yoongi. Anyway, can you get me a refill on fries?"

Yoongi forced a smile. "Jin doesn't like it when his people eat fatty foods."

Jimin slowly took a bite of his cheeseburger while glaring at Yoongi. Then, he leaned back, dabbed his lips with his napkin, and cleared his throat.

"Did I stutter?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "That was such a middle school comeback, but fine, I'll get you your damn fries."

Yoongi stalked off, and Jimin prayed the man wouldn't spit in his food. However, Jimin didn't want to worry about it. He finished his burger instead. By the time Yoongi came back with a fresh bowl of steaming hot fries, Jimin shoved his empty plate into Yoongi's grasp and snatched the new food away.

"Thanks, you're doing God's work," Jimin said through a mouthful of fries he had already shoved in his mouth.

He expected Yoongi to grunt and rush away, but he didn't. Yoongi set the plate in the corner of the table and sat down across from Jimin. Jimin slowed his eating and smacked his lips together to annoy Yoongi into leaving. It didn't work.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"We need to talk."

Jimin let a smirk spread across his lips. "That sounds like something a partner would say. Are we in a relationship, Mr. Min?"

Although Jimin meant it in a joking manner, Yoongi paused. His mouth parted ever so slightly, and Jimin swore he saw a hint of a glorious pink color creep up the man's ears.

"No," Yoongi said. His voice was slow. Hesitant. He cleared his throat before he continued. "Jin is planning to retaliate against you and embarrass you in front of everyone."

"I expected that, but why are you telling me. Aren't you one of his beloved goons?"

"Jin is a good friend, I just..." Yoongi nibbled on his lower lip and avoided eye contact. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but... you're funny."

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