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As Patrickson walked through the moon lit path, a shadow creeped out of the darkness. 'Ohh no!, this could be trouble. I knew I should have just booked a cab. Alright Patrickson, relax yourself… you can talk your way out of this and if not. Just give them all the money you have ', Patrickson thought to himself.
          The figure walked out of the shadows and Cooper took a closer look, " It's Suzy! Hey it's me Cooper over here! ”,  She yelled.  “Oh so you know this person,  that's a relief.  I thought we where in some serious dange…”, Patrickson got cut off with a hard punch to the face!
          Cooper dropped to the ground and witnessed a really amazing beat down;
      Suzy landed a punch to he's gut, a left knee to he's ribs and to top it off with a drop kick to Patrickson's face. She tossed him into the air before unleashing a hailstorm of punches to he's body in mid air! Then she ended the assault with a nasty round house kick! that planted Patrickson's face into the ground!
         “Go Suzy Go! Go Suzy Go!”, Cooper chanted.  “I knew something was up the second I saw he's stupid face. He didn't try anything funny now did he!”, “Shishishi! Nope, he just took me out to dinner and was walking me home. You beat him up for no reason”, Cooper said with a cheeky smile.
          “You Idiot! Your useless when you're bellies full! You could have started with that. I'll call an ambulance ”,  Suzy said.
           The next morning Cooper was reminded via text message that her interview will be early that morning. She got up and took a cold shower before wearing a black suit her mom had sent to her, for such an occasion. She got dressed and around her collar she fastened the bow tie, but her footwear was that of green and red high top canvas.
          On the way to the station… she stumbled upon an odd sight a long black hair female was having an interesting conversation on the phone, “Please don't do this! I beg of you! You're all I have don't leave me! I'll do anything! I beg of you! Don't break up with me ”.
           She stood behind a small truck dressed in a blue work suit, she sobbed as she lowered her arms and started to draw tears. “Hello there. Need some help with… Oh my God! Your… your… GIGANTIC!!!”, Cooper said as she tumbled and dropped onto her bottom, the second she realized the girl was seven feet tall!

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