Lost and Found

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The rains had started to die down, and she had decided to wear her soaking clothes and head into the ladies' room. Though, she couldn't help but feel as though someone was stocking her.
        The strange feeling seemed to get  worse with each time she turned to look behind. “Hey ugly! Your clothes must be soaking… I thought you'd look good in these. Oh, and don't worry, it's all courtesy of this mall's lost and found. See you and have a great nightmare. I know I will..”, Dorothy tossed Cooper a bunch of clothes.
        Left with no choice, she searched for what was decent enough to wear. She ended up wearing a black and red check longe sleeved shirt, with her bow tie resting around her neck. A pair of black tite ripped jeans and a black hoodie around her waist. She also wore green high-top canvas.
         The ominous feeling crawled all over her body as she dressed up. Her emotional state didn't change as she picked up the clothes. It was almost as if Cooper had picked the wrong time to visit London town.
        A clicking sound in her lower left pocket caught her attention. She reached in and felt a solid of metal with a familiar shape. She slowly pulled it out, and her eyes widened as she noticed a piece peep out.
      She quickly slid it back in as the sound of a flushing toilet spooked her. Cooper got to her knees in order to pick up the clothes. The toilet door opened, and a large foot reached out. “That's a pretty nice shirt you've got, their sweetie. Mind if daddy takes a look”, a man's voice said to Cooper, who was wondering what a man was doing in the ladies' bathroom.
       “I'm sorry, but I need to go…”, Cooper said while she tried to run away, but the big bellied man quickly grabbed her arm and covered her mouth. Cooper was not strong enough to fight the man.. she desperately tried to fight back.
        The fear of death began to cloud her mind as she punched and hit his arm to no avail. Her body began to feel the cold chill of hopelessness, as she was dragged into a self-contained toilet. Cooper's eyes gushed with tears, hoping that he'd loosen his grip even for a second.. giving her a chance to escape, but her heart sank the second she was tossed onto the toilet!
        Cooper tried to fight back, but he grabbed her by the neck and shoved her head into the urine in the toilet. Our protagonist desperately struggled for air! His grip got tighter as Cooper slipped and dropped to her knees.. he grabbed her jeans with his free hand and began to pull it off!

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