Day 17: ambiguous (prompt 18)

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(I don't even know how I not only missed day 17 but did the wrong prompt for 18! Got them completely switched, won't happen again -I hope.Luckily you can move chapters so it now doesn't go from 16 to 18 lol)

Today was another agonisingly dull day, there was no need to cause any negativity due to the balance currently tipped towards my benefit - which was a welcomed rarity. I walked down the also rather dull halls towards the dining hall. We were all accustomed to calling it such a name, even if it was the factually incorrect term.

As I opened the sable double doors, I had noticed how there was no arguments from Killer annoying literally any monster that was in vicinity of him. Instead he was somehow calmly chatting with Cross, who was sat in front of the happy-go-lucky monster, and Dust, who was sat right next Killer. Quickly, after I had observed the current situation of dinner, I briskly walked towards where I was usually sat, the head of the unusually long adorned table. Once I sat down and started to eat the almost professionally made food that Horror cooked I started to pay mind to what the trio were speaking about.

No matter what I did I had absolutely no idea what they were discussing, they were using some sort of 'code words' whilst speaking, whenever I asked about the words they were using I had been told that they were 'slang' and that they (also known as just Killer) couldn't explain to a 'boomer'.

Subsequently to the lack of information I was supplied with from the boys, I finished off the meal and went to the grand library to hopefully find a book on such words. It looked like it would be just a moderate sized room on the outside but once you enter, you start to understand why it is labelled as the most pretentious area in the castle. I began to start at the bookshelves that had been branded 'S' which started my search.

It had been hours of searching and not a single book I was in possession of talked of the slang. The only two options I could do  were either to try decrypt what they were blabbering on about or leave what they were saying unknown.

I chose the latter. After all eventually I will find something in such code.

(403 words)

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