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12:00 am Chiesa De San Fiorella Cathedral. Venice Italy. 1999.

Everyone in Fiorella Cathedral was awake moving back and forth, the nuns were whispering and there whispers filled the air, the whispers from the nuns for weren't petitions but rather gossip.

" Who is it's father? " One of the nuns whispered while shaking the fellows shoulder continuously.

She had merely finished when another whispered. " It has no father, it's a devil!"

"What do you mean?" She again inquired
"Tell me Elettra, what did you hear."

The rest of the nuns went silent ready to absorb story.

" Well ,today ,when I was moving past Father Alvize's office I heard him pull an argument with father Simeone concerning sister Monica's situation. He claimed that she has been hiding pregnancy for eight months and she lied the whole church about her sickness.

"Then who is the man responsible for the pregnancy" they asked almost at the same time.

" Well what I heard is scaring, father Alvize claimed that Monica claims the pregnancy is from God.

"God!" They all exclaimed

"But Father Alvize claims it's the devil's"

"Then why are they waking us up?" a fat short nun asked while folding her face.

"Questioning, perhaps that's what I heard" Elettra assured.

Quick loud foot steps which sounded like a pestel in a mortar on the cathedral's wooden floor brought them back to their senses.

"Is what your doing the will of God?" Father Simeone demanded in loud tone.

All of them quickly turned in pretence as if they were doing some work or looking for it.

Father Simeone was a tall man with wrinkles on his face as a badge of his old age. He was silent and most of the people at the cathedral thought he never talked.

" Quickly,go to saints chamber, Pope will be here in a few minutes." He dictated authoritatively.

All the nuns quickly matched out of the lobby and headed to the saints chamber.When they were all out Father Simeone opened a certain door and motioned for a nun behind him to enter.

"Monica" both father Simeone and the nun called the thought taken nun in the room.

"Sister Cinzia, Father Simeone. Tell me, why among all people in this cathedral I had to be the devil's vessel." Monica asked the two between sobs.

Sister Cinzia sat near her.

" You know this is not what you think or all the others think." Sister Cinzia talked to the troubled Monica while touching her shoulder.

"Then what's it am carrying?" Monica inquired

"You Know..." Both father Simeone and sister Cinzia talked at the same time but sister Cinzia motioned for father Simeone to speak.

" To tell you the truth now might seem vast for you to endure. You'll need to know all you have to know when you're out of this place, this place isn't what you think it is and neither is it safe for you." Father Simeone finished talking while staring through but window.

"He is here!" Said father Simeone while panicking

"Who?, The Pope? " Cinzia demanded

"Yes he is here and the clergy" Father Simeone replied while pulling a satellite phone out of his bag.

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